Tarbiyah Expo: Harmony in Diversity

Tarbiyah Expo: Harmony in Diversity

FITK, UIN News Online – On June 1, 2018, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Jakarta is 61 years old. As the oldest and leading faculty in UIN Jakarta, FITK must first and foremost in welcoming UIN Jakarta milad along with milad FITK.

This was conveyed by the Vice Dean for General Administration FITK Dr Ahmad Sofyan MPd in ​​his speech at the opening cheremony Tarbiyah Expo, Tuesday (04/17/2018) at West Lobby Parking Area FITK Building.

"From March, there have been many activities carried out, such as strengthening the capacity of Intra-Campus Student Organization (Omik) and FITK participation in UIN Education Expo which presents high school students," said Sofyan.

In Tarbiyah Expo, he added, academicians' talents, both students, lecturers, and employees are expected to increase. In addition, with the theme of Ekasasti Tarbiyah in Diversity is strived to lose the barrier between them, including the leadership.

"FITK academic community is facilitated to compete in a healthy and objective way. There is a strengthening of the sense and emotional value, so that it can bring together lecturers, employees, leaders, and students," he added.

On the same occasion, Committee Chairman Farhan Kurniawan conveyed, Milad FITK as a proof of the existence of Harmony in diversity.

"Emotional bond of civitas academic can be formed, so there is no distance. Hopefully all that can be realized, "said Farhan.

According to Farhan, one step towards togetherness can be created through the arena of the race in the atmosphere of ukhuwah and friendship.

After the event, Wadek II had the opportunity to release 61 balloons. The event continued with an oration of educational competitions, karaoke contests, and Tarbiyah Idol for students.

On the next day in a row from April 18 to 30 held the race Ranking 1, Mading and Poster (18/4/2018), traditional race Drag Mine, Racing Bakyak, and Eating Krupuk (20/4/18), event Princess Kartini, Ambassador Tarbiyah, and Musical Poetry (25/4/2018), table tennis competition (27/4/2018), futsal and badminton, Shiar Tarbiyah, and Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (30/4/2018).

As for Closing Ceremony will be held simultaneously with the International Seminar at Harun Nasution Auditorium on May 8, 2018. (usa)