Supporting the vaccination program, Rector Amany Lubis receives an award from the South Tangerang Police Chief

Supporting the vaccination program, Rector Amany Lubis receives an award from the South Tangerang Police Chief

Tangsel, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta is considered to have provided a lot of support in the national vaccination program in the jurisdiction of South Tangerang (Tangsel), Banten. Therefore, the South Tangerang Police Chief Iman Imanuddin rewarded the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis with an award.

The award ceremony was held in conjunction with the commemoration of the 76th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Tuesday (08/17/2021) at the South Tangerang Police Headquarters in Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD). In the event, Rector Amany Lubis was represented by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UIN Jakarta Hari Hendarto.

Through WhatsApp, Rector Amany expressed her gratitude for the award. However, according to Amany, this is not a personal achievement, but the achievement of the entire academic community of UIN Jakarta.

“We only help and facilitate the holding of vaccination events at UIN Jakarta. Because this is a national program and intended for public health, we fully support the program,” said Rector.

Meanwhile, Dean of FK UIN Jakarta Hari Hendarto said  that UIN Jakarta will support the Covid-19 vaccination program. This is a form of real participation in breaking the chain of the Covid-19 infection in Indonesia, especially in the South Tangerang area.

According to Hari, the vaccination program at UIN Jakarta has been running quite well. Some of the vaccination programs at UIN Jakarta are held independently. However, several other vaccination programs are implemented through a cooperation scheme with with various institutions and communities.

“In the near future, there are several more vaccination agendas, especially for the second vaccination,” said Hari.

Inline with Hari, AUK Bureau Chief of UIN Jakarta Kastolan also said the same thing. According to Kastolan, as part of a state institution, UIN Jakarta is obliged to play an active role in the Covid-19 vaccination program.

Apart from being implemented independently, UIN Jakarta also collaborated with the police, local governments, students, and alumni to carry out vaccination program for academic community and general public.

“This vaccination program is an effort to achieve herd immunity and as an implementation of the Three Pillars (Tridharma) of Higher Education,” said Kastolan. (usa/ns)