Sujiwo Tejo Delivers the Oration at the KPI Cultural Festival

Sujiwo Tejo Delivers the Oration at the KPI Cultural Festival

Student Center Hall, UIN NEWS Online - Students crowded in the Hall of Student Center, Wednesday night (04/10/2017). They sat and listening to cultural oration from Sujiwo Tejo.

That night, Sujiwo attended the Discussion of Lesehan titled Seeing Culture, Establishing Nation Generation. The discussion itself was held as part of a series of Cultural Festival Student Association (HMJ), Communication and Islamic Broadcasting (KPI), Faculty of Science and Communication Sciences (FIDIKOM), UIN Jakarta.

Lesehan discussion begins by singing Indonesia Raya and Shalawat songs together. Furthermore, the renowned culture as a puppeteer opened the discussion with a statement about the importance of knowing the culture. "To know a purpose, one must be able to recognize the origin of himself," not him.

Then, this East Java birth mastermind conveyed some concepts about love. The audience was chuckling with the unique statements of artists who were also productive writing this.

In addition, he also added other concepts about understanding cultures from different perspectives, including understanding mathematics and spiritual values. "So mathematics is not just a matter of counting. It can be used to capture the essence of life, "

The oration that was delivered for almost two hours was wrapped with a saxophone game and chanting the song Asmaul Husna who composed themselves. After reading Asmaul Husna, Sujiwo Tejo mentioned that the qualities in the names of God are in contrast, and must be understood as beauty.

"You do not say the words, so you will confuse yourself later. Let's understand the tone and voice, then you will find the beauty of God, that we can understand things in the same way, "he said.

The event concluded with a speech from Edy A. Effendi, a lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Communication Sciences of UIN Jakarta, and then the song Titi Kolo Mongso from Sujiwo Tejo with the choir team of Fidkom students.

Cultural Festival held HMJ KPI is an activity consisting of a series of competitions and art fiesta. Starting on October 4th with the Cultural Parade, then Ngemural Bareng, Photography Competition, Local Music Acoustic Competition, and will be closed with Art Appreciation Night on Tuesday, October 10, 2017. (usa)