Study of religions master’s program is awarded with an “A” accreditation status
FU, UIN News Online – Study of religions master’s program, Faculty of Ushuluddin (FU) UIN Jakarta is awarded with an “A” accreditation status from from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT).
Based on BAN-PT website, Tuesday (02/23/2021), the accreditation status was based on Decree Number 838/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/II/2021. The accreditation period is valid for five years until February 16, 2026.
In response, Dean of FU UIN Jakarta Yusuf Rahman expressed his appreciation and gratitude to all all parties involved and worked hard in preparing the re-accreditation process. He also added that this achievement is expected to optimize the development of study of religions and encouraging the practice of tolerance in the midst of a pluralistic religious community.
“This achievement is expected to open wide opportunities for cooperation with various parties to create a harmonious, peaceful and tolerant state of Indonesia,” he said
In the future, he continued, his party is committed to encouraging quality teaching of religious studies at the master degree. “The “A” accreditation status itself is interpreted as a responsibility in maintaining and improving the quality of education offered,” he added
It is known that the the Study of Religions Master’s Program at UIN Jakarta is a study program that offers religious studies with a social science approach that is needed in a pluralistic social life. (usa/zm)