Studia Islamika managed to achieve a Q1 rating
Ciputat, UIN News Online – The journal of Islamic studies in Indonesia and Southeast Asia published by the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) UIN Jakarta, managed to achieve the best quartile (Q1) rating in the field of Arts and Humanities in Asia. This achievement was released by the global scientific journal ranking page Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) at on June 11, 2020. On the SJR page accessed by UIN NEWS Online, Friday (12/06/2020), Q1 rank was obtained after Studia Islamika recorded the h-index with a high score. With this achievement, Studia Islamika was included in the 4 best Asian categories for the study of religions as well as being included in 125 of the world's best journals. Published since 1994, Studia Islamika led by historian and prominent scientist Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, CBE. This journal focuses on publishing academic research on Islam in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. More than 500 of the best scientific articles from 90 Islamic writer-researcher from Indonesia and various countries have been published. Until now, the Studia Islamikais one of the main references in terms of Islamic studies, especially in seeing the Islamic developments in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. According to the Google Scholar, it is noted that this journal has been quoted by other articles 2,596 times. A very high number for a publication of Islamic social science studies. The highest citation rate occurred in 2019 with 400 cited. Responding to this achievement, Professor Azyumardi is optimistic that this achievement will have a positive impact on improving the development of Islamic studies in Indonesia. The writers, lecturers, and researchers will continue to improve the quality of their writings so that they can be published in an internationally reputed scientific journals. “Surely this will strengthen Indonesia as a center for the development of Islamic studies in the world,” said Azra. On the same occasion, PPIM UIN Jakarta Executive Director Ismatu Ropi, Ph.D said that Studia Islamika was a symbol of the development of Islamic studies in Indonesia. He also expressed his appreciation and gratitude to reviewers, editors, and writers who worked together to produce hundreds of quality scientific articles. “We will continue to work hard in order to improve the editorial quality in producing quality articles that can be a main reference in the development of Islamic studies in Indonesia and Southeast Asia,” he said. For information, The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus database. These indicators can be used to assess and analyze scientific domains. Journals can be compared or analysed separately. Country rankings may also be compared or analysed separately. Journals can be grouped by subject area (27 major thematic areas), subject category (313 specific subject categories) or by country. Citation data is drawn from over 34,100 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers and country performance metrics from 239 countries worldwide. (usa/zm)