Students of Public Health of UIN Jakarta Established SAHABAT-TBC Community, Preventing Tuberculosis in Sukasari Village

Students of Public Health of UIN Jakarta Established SAHABAT-TBC Community, Preventing Tuberculosis in Sukasari Village

Bogor, UIN Online News -  To contribute to the prevention and reduction of Tuberculosis (TB) cases, which remain an issue in Bogor, Public Health students from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta involved in a Field Learning Experience (PBL) on Wednesday (5/2/2025) at Community Health Center (Puskesmas) Pulo Armyn Bogor while successfully formed the SAHABAT-TBC (Aware, Avoid, Eradicate TB Threat) Community.

The objective of SAHABAT-TBC is to promote a culture of cooperation and unity in fighting against tuberculosis at the Sukasari Village region. This initiative encourages community members to be proactively involved, share crucial information related to TBC, and build a tuberculosis-free environment.

The activity was conducted in Sukasari Village including 14 cadres who were collectively trained as part of the PBL intervention program series, and was inaugurated by the Head of Puskesmas Pulo Armyn, DMD. Ranny Inayati Dahlia, M.P.H.

During her speech which was warmly welcomed by the Secretary of Sukasari Village, Sugandi B.S.S., she addressed the sustainability of this program supported by her students and its prospects for promoting TBC prevention to the Health Sevice of Bogor City.

The ceremony was attended by the Faculty Supervisor, Dr. Narila Mutia Nasir; Field Supervisor, Sisylia Heriansyah; and Tuberculosis Coordinator at Puskesmas Pulo Armyn, Farhan Akbar. These trio conveyed their gratitude and encouragement to the cadres to fight TBC in their respective regions.

"Our aspiration is to establish a sustainable community that can inspire individuals towards public awareness, particularly concerning tuberculosis, until it is completely eliminated in the Sukasari Village region," Luthfiyah Azzahra Putri A.S.A., the leader of the event, articulated her aspirations for this program.

Furthermore, a material presentation session given by Febrianti, M.Sc., a Public Health lecturer at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, regarding: primary roles and duties of TB cadres,  development stage of the community's behavior in the initiatives of preventing and fighting tuberculosis.

In conlusion, the establishment of the SAHABAT-TBC community aims to engage in broader community of the Pulo Armyn and Sukasari regions towards raising awareness and fostering concern over tuberculosis prevention.

(Ananda Aulia Shalsabila/Luthfiyah Azzahra P.A.S.A./Muhamad Arifin Ilham)

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