Students of PBSI UIN Jakarta Publish BESTARI Journal
FITK, UIN News Online – In order to accommodate the spirit of scientific article writings, the Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program Student Association FITK UIN Jakarta publishes Bestari: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia serta Pengajarannya. The journal was officially launched last Tuesday, (08/16/2022).
Head of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program (PBSI) UIN Jakarta Makyun Subuki on Saturday (08/20/2022) revealed that during 2020-2021, 153 student articles were published in various national journals.
“Then, from January to June 2022, at least 30 articles have been published in various SINTA accredited journals. This shows the consistency of students in publishing their writings in scientific journals,” he said.
The Dean of FITK UIN Jakarta, Sururin, greatly appreciated the publication of the Bestari journal. According to Sururin, this proves the productivity of PBSI students in publishing scientific writings.
“Hopefully this journal can provide enlightenment, knowledge, educate the public, especially Indonesian language reviewers and observers,” she said.
A total of 27 experts from various campuses in Indonesia also expressed their commitment to become a journal Bestari partner. Some of the Bestari partners also came from IPTABI, including UIN Jakarta, UIN Sumatra Utara, IAIN Cirebon, UIN Surakarta, Darussalam Institute of Islamic Religion Blokagung, Banyuwangi, and UIN Tulungagung.
Apart from campuses in Indonesia, the bestari partners also come from Aledu Gmbh Germany. This shows the seriousness of the journal management team in encouraging the enthusiasm of student publications.
The launch of the Bestari Journal was filled with national seminars (08/16/2022) and workshops for bestari partners (08/18/2022) by inviting Nur Rohim Yunus (Editor in Chief of the Cita Hukum Sinta 2 Journal and indexed by WOS), Didah Hamidah (Editor in chief of the Dialectical Journal, Sinta 3) and Nur Syamsiah (PBSI Lecturer), Syihaabul Huda (Accredited journal reviewers and Medeley Advisor) as resource persons (zm/usa)