Students in Lebak Shows Their Enthusiasm to Study at UIN Jakarta

Students in Lebak Shows Their Enthusiasm to Study at UIN Jakarta

Lebak, UIN News Online – Students in Lebak Regency, Banten, stated their enthusiasm to pursue their higher education at UIN Jakarta. They hope once they graduate from High School and pesantren, they can apply and be accepted as UIN Jakarta student through many available options.

The students hope was presented when UIN Jakarta held a socialization and promotion event in several schools at Lebak Regency on March, 29-31 ,2022. The schools visited by the UIN Jakarta socialization team were SMAN 1 Cilograng, SMAN 1 Panggarangan, SMAN 2 Bayah, MAN 2 Lebak, SMAN 1 Cihara, SMAN 1 Malingping, and SMAN 1 Wanasalam.

Sub-division head of Publication and Documentary UIN Jakarta Muhammad Furqon said this socialization program was aimed to provide detailed information about UIN Jakarta. “With such information, we expect the students to prepare themselves if they want to continue their study in UIN Jakarta,” he said.

The arrival of the socialization team itself was warmly welcomed by the students. Various questions are being asked by the students, starting from faculty and study program, accreditation, tuition fee, and scholarship.

One of the public relations staff of UIN Jakarta, Taufan Maulana on Thursday, (03/31/2022) said that the opportunity to be accepted in UIN Jakarta is very dependent on the results of the selection. Besides it is highly competitive, the determination of new student candidates is also depended on their personal achievement.

According to Taufan, UIN Jakarta provides scholarships for outstanding students of economically disadvantaged families. “Scholarships will be given to underprivileged students but has a great academic potential,” he added. (usa)