Students from Germany Will Study About Islam in Faculty of Ushuluddin
FU, UIN News Online – 30 students from of University of Marburg or Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, are scheduled to attend lectures at the Faculty of Ushuluddin (FU) UIN Jakarta. They will follow the lecture activities in July 2018. Faculty of Ushuluddin is deliberately selected by University of Marburg to introduce the teachings of Islam to its students.
This was conveyed by the Dean of Faculty of Ushuluddin, Prof. Dr. Masri Mansoer M. Ag during the meeting at the Faculty of Ushuluddin, campus I of UIN Jakarta, Thursday, (1/18/2018). “Insya Allah, 30 students from the University of Marburg will come to Indonesia and follow the learning activities at the Faculty of Ushuluddin,” he said.
Masri added, the 30 students will be following the lecture of Islamic Studies. Additionally, they will also hold discussions with both lecturers and students. They will also make visits to various locations in order to get to know Indonesian Muslim communities more closely. "At least, they will study here for three weeks," he explained.
Lecturer of Religious Sociology Faculty of Ushuluddin, Dr. Amin Nurdin MA, added that the arrival of 30 students a continuation of the cooperation effort between UIN Jakarta and the University of Marburg. The cooperation itself has been initiated with Amin's participation as a research fellowship participant to University of Marburg in 2016.
“Hopefully, we can introduce Islam and UIN Jakarta to the European community," he explained.
Amin also added, the arrival of 30 German students is also an opportunity for UIN Jakarta lecturers to conduct a research. According to him, University Marburg is one of the best campuses in Germany that provides excellent research facilities for the field of general and humanity sciences.
For information, University of Marburg was founded in 1527. Initially, Marburg University was known as one of the centers of knowledge in the field of science. In recent years, Marburg University also facilitated the development of social research, such as public studies and Middle Eastern politics, even developing a study of psychological discipline. (usa)