Student of Social Welfare department wins bronze medal at the XX National Sports Week

Student of Social Welfare department wins bronze medal at the XX National Sports Week

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Adlia Rahma Maulida, a student of the Social Welfare department, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Science of UIN Jakarta, won a bronze medal at the XX National Sports Week (PON) which was held in Papua on Ontober, 2-15, 2021. In the match, Adlia represented the West Java contingent in Cricket sport.

The West Java women's cricket team in the women's sixes number managed to bring home a bronze medal at the XX Papua PON after successfully defeating a team from DKI Jakarta in the semi-finals.

“Alhamdulillah, even though I only won bronze medal, I am also proud because I have brought the good name of the West Java contingent,” said Adlia to UIN News Online through WhatsApp application on Wednesday (10/13/2021).

Adlia herself has been in the cricket sport for a long time. This is evidenced by the many achievements that Adlia has achieved before getting a bronze medal at the XX National Sports Week.

In addition, Adlia also has several other achievements in the same sports field, including the second winner of the XVI National Student Sports Week (Pomnas) representing the DKI Jakarta Province, the second winner of PON XIX in Bandung, West Java, representing West Java Province, and the second winner of the 2018 Student Championship representing the University Indonesia (UI).

Apart from sports, he also has a number of other achievements, including Delegate of Brazil at Global Goals MUN Malaysia (2019), Delegate of Republic of Cargo IGN MUN from Home (2020), and Delegate of Venezuela ITB MUN (2021). (usa/ns/lsn)