Student of BPI Holds Macro Profession Practicum

Student of BPI Holds Macro Profession Practicum

FIDK, UIN News Online – Faculty of Da’wa and Communication sciences (FIDK) UIN Jakarta holds send-off ceremony for the the Macro Professional Practicum of Islamic Guidance and Counseling (BPI) department, Friday (09/06/2019) at FIDK theater, campus I of UIN Jakarta.

Present in the event, FIDK Deputy Dean for Student Affairs Cecep Sastrawijaya, BPI UIN Jakarta department head Noor Bekti Negoro, and FIDK lecturer Abdul Rahman.

As many as 78 BPI students conducted Macro Profession Practicum in several Villages in Gunung Pelindung District, East Lampung Regency, Lampung Province.

FIDK lecturer Abdul Rahman in his remarks said that practicum participants must follow the basic theory of counseling.

“As a counselor, we have to follow three flows on counseling basic theory, namely; preparation, implementation and evaluation,” he said.

Representing the Dean of FIDK who is unable to attend, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs Cecep Sastrawijaya in his remarks advised the participants to carry out their tasks properly.

“Apply the knowledge that has been obtained during your study time, and maintain the good name of our beloved alma mater, UIN Jakarta,” he said. (usa/zm)