Strengthening Public Relations Comprehension, UIN Jakarta Information and Public Relations Center Holds News Writing and Social Media Workshop

Strengthening Public Relations Comprehension, UIN Jakarta Information and Public Relations Center Holds News Writing and Social Media Workshop

Diorama Room, UIN News Online - Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta together with the Information and Public Relations Center (PIH), to strengthen the understanding of public relations, held two workshops that discussed the strengthening of website writing and social media, in Diorama Room, ground floor of Harun Nasution Auditorium, for two days, Monday-Tuesday (23-24/12/2024).

Head of PIH UIN Jakarta, Zaenal Muttaqin, M.A., in his remarks when opening this activity said that the purpose of this workshop is to improve the quality of public relations content that is informative, interesting, and relevant to public needs.

“This activity is expected to be a means of learning as well as strengthening writing skills for participants, especially in managing websites and social media as the main campus communication media,” he said.

The first workshop event presented the Journalist Competency Test Assessor of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Press Council Aat Surya Safaat. In his presentation, Aat provided various tips for writing quickly, interestingly, and usefully. He also explained about the main journalistic products such as news, news value, and shared his experiences as a news and article writer.

In addition to theory, participants were also given the opportunity to practice effective news writing techniques. Participants were enthusiastic in attending session after session designed to improve their writing skills.

One of the participants, PPIM's Public Relations PIC, Zhella, claimed to have gained many new insights. “This training really helps us in compiling better quality and informative news,” she said.

Not only focusing on writing training, this workshop also presented the Founder of Youtz Media and Influencer, Rinaldi Nur Ibrahim, who is an alumnus of UIN Jakarta Faculty of Health Sciences. In another session on the second day, Rinaldi explained how to actively develop social media to achieve optimal results and in alignment with the expected goals.

“In order to build personal branding on social media, we must collaborate and actively open ourselves to build a network of friends and colleagues. I started all of this from scratch, as a UIN student at the time. But now, I have businesses and scholarship programs that all started from social media. So, I believe that if we strive for good things, then we will also get good things in the future,” said the influencer with 768,000 followers.

This workshop featured other professional speakers who shared strategies and techniques to reach audiences in an effective way. Participants who attended were Public Relations PICs all over UIN Jakarta, students, and lecturers who are interested in developing their skills in this field.

Through this activity, UIN Jakarta is committed to continue adapting to the development of digital technology to support transparency and speed of information delivery to the wider community.

(Aida Adha Siregar/Fauziah Muslimah/Muhamad Arifin Ilham./Photo: Yuda Afif Al Manshur & Muhammad Yahya) 

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