STF UIN Jakarta Held Free Mudik

STF UIN Jakarta Held Free Mudik

Ciputat, UIN NEWS Online—Social Trust Fund (STF) UIN Jakarta held a free trip before Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1439 H for students of several universities in Jabodetabek area. This activity is the result of cooperation of STF UIN Jakarta with PTRajawali Nusantara Indonesia, PT. Reinsurance Indonesia Utama (IndonesiaRe), PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia, and Perum DAMRI.

Fundraising Officer of STF UIN Jakarta, Dewi Maryam, said that the free trip to Mudik destinations is Jakarta-Tasik, Jakarta-Surabaya and Jakarta-Lampung. Tasikmalaya's destination has been departed on Thursday (07/06) yesterday and Jakarta-Surabaya departed this morning, Friday (08/06). "The purpose of Jakarta-Lampung, God willing, Tuesday (12/06) tomorrow," he said.

In the last two days, the total free homecoming participants who departed STF UIN Jakarta reached 68 participants. Each destination details are Surabaya 60 people and 8 people Tasikmalaya. All participants were dispatched using the bus of cooperation of STF UIN Jakarta and partners. Each group was released Deputy Director of STF UIN Jakarta, Dr. Muhammad Zuhdi, and Fundraising Manager of STF UIN Jakarta Febria Afia.

As for the destination of Lampung, free homecoming departure scheduled on Tuesday (12/06) future. For this purpose STF UIN Jakarta and partners provide free homecoming quota for 118 participants. Specifically, this objective will be released directly by the Supervisory Board of STF and Vice Rector for Cooperation of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Murodi MA.

Separately, Director of STF UIN Jakarta Dr. Amelia Fauzia explained, free homecoming program is an annual program intended for students who want to celebrate Lebaran in the hometown. This program is considered feasible because many students have limited expenses when they want to travel in the village.

"Representing STF UIN Jakarta, we would like to thank the partners who support, facilitate this program. Hopefully a sustainable good deed in the future, "he explained.

Meanwhile, the participants of free mudik admitted to be going home with free homecoming program offered STF UIN Jakarta. That way they can go home and celebrate Lebaran in their hometown without constrained by ticket prices and travel expenses which are more expensive than usual days.

Abdul Karim, for example. Students of semester X Chemistry Education Department, FITK UIN Jakarta is admitted previously did not imagine can go home and spend it in his hometown, East Java. But with this program, he can go home and celebrate Eid with family.

"Sometimes have to count if you want to go home during Lebaran. Because if you want to buy train tickets for example 3 months before, whereas if you buy a bus ticket before Idul Fitri very expensive," he said.

So is Hasin Abdullah. Students of the sixth semester of Islamic Criminal Law, FSH UIN Jakarta is happy because he can celebrate Eid in his hometown Madura. "Alhamdulillah with this program, I can go home for free. Hopefully in the future STF UIN Jakarta and partners can continue to provide free mudik for students like us," he hoped. (usa)