Stepping Into Educational Journey: Students of Islamic Senior High School Al-Fatih Visit UIN Jakarta
Diorama Room, UIN Online News - The prestigious State Islamic University in Indonesia, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, recently hosted a visit from students of the Islamic Dormitory Aly Al-Fatih as part of their Educational Journey campaign. This tour seeks to expand their perspective on higher education in Indonesia and to enhance the partnership between UIN Jakarta and MA Al-Fatih Klaten, along with the progression of education.
The event began with an introduction by the speaker, followed by an address by M. Amin Rois, LC., LL.M., the principal of Islamic Senior High School Al-Fatih. In his address, Amin recounted its founding of MA Al-Fatih, which originated in 2016 and officially acquired formal school status in 2021. Amin expressed his admire towards the prior graduates from the first batch and hoped that his current students will further their study at reputable colleges like UIN Jakarta. He said, "For several years, MA Al-Fatih has established strong collaborations with various campuses in Indonesia, particularly UIN Jakarta."
The UIN Jakarta Information and Public Relations Center, represented by Yuyun Yuliana, extends a courteous greeting. In her address, Yuyun said that UIN Jakarta is now striving to adopt the green campus concept to promote environmental sustainability. "We are presently decreasing the utilization of plastic bottles and petroleum-based fossil fuel vehicles by transitioning to alternative fuel vehicles," she explained. Yuyun expressed her appreciation for MA Al-Fatih's visit and hoped it would assist students by expanding their understanding of higher education in Indonesia and enhancing the relationship between the two educational institutions.
Subsequently, information pertaining to the campus was provided by the UIN Jakarta Ambassador, Dzikri Ardhan. He explained the evolution of UIN Jakarta from the State Islamic Institute to the leading State Islamic University in Indonesia. He emphasized the several benefits of UIN Jakarta, particularly its merger of Science, Islam, and National Insight, which define the institution. UIN Jakarta has received accreditation both domestically and internationally from many accrediting agencies, including ASIIN and ACQUIN.
Dzikri clarified the UIN Jakarta student admission channels, which include report card-based routes such as SNBP and SPAN-PTKIN, alongside test-based routes notably SNBT, UM-PTKIN, and SPMB Mandiri. He also provided details on the several scholarship programs offered at UIN Jakarta, including KIP-K, Social Trust Fund, and Genbi Scholarship, along with numerous Student Activity Units (UKM) and Autonomous Organizations (LO) accessible for student participation.
A question-and-answer session occurred after the presentation of the content. The MA Al-Fatih students display considerable enthusiasm, using this session to look into the history, vision, purpose, facilities, and specific courses of designated study programs at UIN Jakarta.
This tour is a significant chance for students to get insights into campus life at UIN Jakarta and to explore opportunities for advancing their study to a higher level. UIN Jakarta is honored to participate in this activity and anticipates that this visit will strengthen the connection between the two institutions further forward.
(Alfina Ika Arianti/Aida Adha S./Zaenal M./Muhamad Arifin Ilham/Foto: Muhammad Yahya)