Statement of Support for Palestine by UIN Jakarta Student For Justice In Palestine

Statement of Support for Palestine by UIN Jakarta Student For Justice In Palestine

FITK UIN Jakarta, UIN Online News - Students of UIN Jakarta staged a solidarity action for Palestine on the grounds of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences (FITK) UIN Jakarta on Wednesday (15/5/2024). The action was initiated by UIN Jakarta Students For Justice In Palestine (SJP) under the theme "From UIN Jakarta to Palestine".

The solidarity action for Palestine was attended by the academic community of UIN Jakarta, including students, lecturers, Student Activity Units (UKM), Student Organizations (Ormawa), as well as various communities within UIN Jakarta. Participants in the action used Palestinian attributes such as flags, posters, and stickers to enliven the atmosphere of the event.

A campus-wide march at the main campus of UIN Jakarta marked the beginning of the action. This was followed by speeches from students, lecturers, and student activists advocating for Palestine. Some of the lecturers present included Dr. Minsarnawati, M. Kes, and Raihana Nadra AlKaff, SKM., MMA, Ph.D.

Representatives of students from the Corner of Ushuluddin Inspiration (Piush), M. Abudzar Al-Ghifari, explained in his speech that as students, they stand with Palestine on the grounds of humanity and goodness, not oppression. "In addition to the struggle and resistance we undertake, as humans, we must show that we stand for humanity, we stand with Palestine," he said.

The initiator and coordinator of the action, Adi Zulfa Fauzi, explained that the reason for the action was the Israeli genocide against Palestine, which has garnered global attention, with universities abroad and in Indonesia voicing support for Palestinian independence. UIN Jakarta, as one of the largest Islamic campuses in Indonesia, must voice the same stance: support for and the independence of Palestine.

"We have consulted with the Vice Rector for Student Affairs, and this action has received full support. We then stated our position and invited lecturers and students to attend the action and public discussions according to their respective capacities," he explained.

Adi also emphasized that UIN Jakarta students must care about and pay attention to Palestine because it concerns humanity. Students, as educated individuals, can be at the forefront of advocating for Palestinian independence through elegant means such as discussions, actions, social media campaigns, writing journals, and scholarly works on the issue of supporting Palestine.

The action's dynamo, Faiz Ismail, stated that approximately a hundred participants took part in the event. The actions and speeches delivered by several individuals reminded everyone that Palestine is experiencing a humanitarian crisis. "The academic community of UIN Jakarta must realize that we are in the right position, which is to support Palestine's freedom," he said.

The action featured theatrical performances, poetry readings, and concluded with a collective prayer for the victims of Palestine. The statements of support in the action included expressing empathy and profound sorrow, as well as defending the victims of genocide in Palestine, which continues to increase.

Secondly, condemning acts of aggression and military attacks that violate human rights and constitute serious violations of International Humanitarian Law. Then, condemning the blockade of humanitarian aid and countries involved in supporting Israel's genocide against Palestine.

Thirdly, supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people to obtain their human rights and independence. Furthermore, supporting the right to freedom of expression in the form of actions (demonstrations, statements of support, public policy discussions, and so on). This is followed by supporting the official stance of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to consistently advocate for Palestinian sovereignty.

Finally, calling on all elements of society to boycott all products affiliated with Israel. Additionally, supporting all elements of society in general and all members of the academic community in particular to reinvigorate awareness, concern, support, material and non-material actions in an effort to support and fight for the human rights and independence of Palestine.

Longmarch (1)

Students affiliated with UIN Jakarta Student for Justice in Palestine marched around Campus I of UIN Jakarta while chanting pro-Palestine slogans on Wednesday (15/05/2024).

Banner 001 (1)

Banners and posters advocating for Palestine were displayed in front of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences (FITK) on Wednesday (15/05/2024).

Bendera (1)

A 15x28 meter Palestinian flag was raised at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences (FITK) building on Wednesday (15/05/2024).


Two lecturers from UIN Jakarta also delivered speeches in support of Palestinian independence on Wednesday (15/05/2024).

Puisi 001

One of the students participated in reciting a poem titled "Poetry of Palestine" by Buya Husein on Wednesday (15/05/2024).

Teatrikal 002

Several students participated in the action by performing a theatrical piece themed "Eternal Struggle of Palestine" on Wednesday (15/05/2024).

(M. Naufal Waliyyuddin/Febria Adha L/Fauziah M/Raihan Lail/Faadhila Idris)

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