State Civil Officers of UIN Jakarta Must Avoid Hate Speech Activities
Ciputat, UIN NEWS Online - Head of General Administration and Personnel Bureau of UIN Jakarta, Dr. Urip Rudi Subiyantoro, asked the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in UIN Jakarta to avoid hate speech activity. According to him, ASN UIN Jakarta should be a pioneer enforcer of the unity of the Republic of Indonesia by avoiding hate speech that breaks the chain of national unity.
This was conveyed by Rudi when talking with UIN NEWS Online in his office, Monday (21/05/2018). As a government apparatus, he explained, ASN has a contract not to do things contrary to state policy, affirming loyalty to Pancasila and NKRI, upholding the unity and unity of the nation. " ASN UIN Jakarta, should be the pioneer in maintaining tolerance and maintaining the integrity of NKRI," he said.
Avoidance of hate speech activity itself could lead the appeal submitted by the State Personnel Board (BKN) RI Number 006 / RILIS / BKN / V / 2018 dated May 18, added Rudi. In a circular signed by the Head of Public Relations Bureau BKN RI, Mohammad Ridwan, BKN launched six hate speech activities that can be categorized as violation of ASN discipline.
First, to express opinions both verbally and in writing through social media which is filled with hate speech against Pancasila, 1945 Constitution, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, NKRI, and Government. Second, to express opinions both oral and written through social media that contain hatred against one of the tribe, religion, race, and among groups.
Third, spreading hate speech content through social media by sharing, broadcast, uploading, retweets, instagram reposts and the like. Fourth, conducting activities that lead to insulting, inciting, provoking, and hate Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, NKRI and the Government.
Fifth, follow or attend activities that lead to insulting, inciting, provoking, and hate Pancasila, 1945 Constitution, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, NKRI, and Government. Sixth, responding or supporting as a sign of hate opinion on the 1945 Constitution, Pancasila, NKRI and SARA hatred by giving likes, dislike, love, retweet, or comment in social media.
The release added that ASN, which proved to be a violation of the first to fourth speech activity, could be subject to severe disciplinary penalties. Moderate ASNs who commit violations through the fifth and sixth speech activities may be subject to medium or light disciplinary penalties. "The disciplinary punishment is done by considering the background and the impact of the acts committed by the ASN," said the circular. (usa)