SPS UIN Jakarta Postpones Finals Schedule

SPS UIN Jakarta Postpones Finals Schedule

SPs, UIN NEWS Online   - Graduate School (SPs) UIN Jakarta postponed the implementation schedule of Final Exam Semester (UAS) in the academic semester of the academic year 2017/2018. Initially, the finals schedule for Doctoral and Master Program students will be held on June 25-29, 2018. However, for one reason or another, the implementation of UAS is postponed to 2-6 July 2018.

Withdrawal of UAS schedule, according to Director of SPs UIN Jakarta Masykuri Abdillah, one of the considerations because the deadline of the value of input value   online   through   Academic Information System   (AIS) and Higher Education Database (PD Dikti) at the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education is still long, until July 20, 2018.

"But beyond that reason, the students also requested that finals to be postponed. The reason they are because the price of tickets for the holiday back home is still fairly high, "he told   UIN NEWS Online,   Friday (06/29/2018).

Masykuri said, the postponement of Finals did not interfere with any activity. Schedule retention is only a technical issue. "Students seem to be happy," he said.

In addition, in the implementation of Finals that has been delayed, the leader of SPs UIN Jakarta requested that students take the exam well. Students are also required to follow UAS on schedule. Because, after that there are no more Final re-take.

"There is no final re-take. So, students must follow the exam according to their respective course schedule, "said Masykuri.

Leader of SPs UIN Jakarta threatens students who do not follow the exam from the time specified grade will not be issued or can’t be graded. Therefore, the leadership of SPs UIN Jakarta asked the students to understand and heed all the provisions that exist. (usa)