SPs UIN Jakarta Must Become a Center for Excellence in Research

SPs UIN Jakarta Must Become a Center for Excellence in Research

Jakarta, UIN News Online – Graduate Schools (SPs) of UIN Jakarta must be able to become a center of excellence in research. This was said by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of UIN Jakarta Zulkifli in his speech during the rakerpim of SPs UIN Jakarta, Monday (06/27/2022).

According to Zulkifli, SPs UIN Jakarta has the opportunity to make its students active in conducting various research activities. If we can develop a better research culture, then the goal of UIN Jakarta to become a world class university (WCU) can soon be realized.

Zulkifli further said, according to the Strategic Plan of UIN Jakarta, research development policies are carried out in five superior programs, namely increasing research culture among the academic community, increasing research participation, increasing research competition, and increasing the quality and quantity of scientific publications.

“In order to develop a research culture, there are many things that we must do. For example, by holding article writing workshops, budgeting policies, and improving the quality of journal articles and scientific publications,” said Zulkifli.

Zulkifli also added that only a few lecturers publish their scientific works in reputable international journals. Therefore, he hopes that the lecturers can improve themselves by actively writing in reputable national and international journals.

“This year, UIN Jakarta targets as many as 300 journals to be indexed by Scopus. However, there are currently 55 Scopus. So, we have to pursue another 245 Scopus,” he said.

According to Zulkifli, the indicators for pursuing the 300 Scopus are citations. Citation is very important to show the works of the academic community.

On the same occasion, Director of SPs UIN Jakarta Asep Saepudin Jahar said the purpose of holding the Rakerpim was to strengthen the research culture among students. SPs UIN Jakarta should be a research base for UIN Jakarta, for example by holding a lot of research collaborations between lecturers and students.

In order to strengthen SPs UIN Jakarta as a research base, Asep emphasized the need to rearrange the learning system, curriculum, and supporting facilities and infrastructure.

“We have to build a new system and don't get stuck in routines,” said Asep.

Rakerpim of SPs UIN Jakarta, which was opened by Rector Amany Lubis, will last until Wednesday (06/29/2022). In addition to preparing the work agenda for 2023, Rakerpim also evaluates programs and performance in 2022.(ns/usa)