SPs UIN Jakarta Islamic Studies master’s program finally accredited

SPs UIN Jakarta Islamic Studies master’s program finally accredited

SPs, UIN News Online – Islamic Studies Master Study Program (MPI Study Program) of the graduate School (SPs) UIN Jakarta finally accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). The reaccreditation assessment was conducted on Monday (07/08/2019) by Sugeng Listyo Prabwo from UIN Malang and Karwadi from UIN Yogyakarta.

Director of SPs UIN Jakarta expressed his optimism that the re-accreditation process of MPI Study Program will be successful. According to Jamhari, his party has prepared all accreditation forms in accordance with the BAN-PT standards.

“We are confident and optimistic that the assessment process will go according to our expectations,” said Jamhari.

Based on the schedule, the assessor team's first agenda was to hold a dialogue with the leaders of SPs UIN Jakarta.  The assessor team will asked various questions to all related elements, such as lecturers, employees, students, alumni, and graduates.

The next agenda was to conduct a field visitation to a number of facilities and infrastructures at the SPs UIN Jakarta. After the field visit, the assessment team then held an internal and closed meeting to discuss the provisional results of the assessment.

For information MPI Study Program accreditation has expired on March 13, 2019. This study program had previously obtained accreditation with rank A from BAN-PT based on Decision of BAN-PT Number 079 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / M / III / 2014 dated March 14, 2014 with Certificate Number 001920. The accreditation period is valid for five years from March 14, 2014 to March 13, 2019.

The MPI Study Program opened in 1982 was first accredited by BAN-PT in 2000 and obtained an Excellent rating based on BAN-PT Decree Number 025 / BAN-PT / Ak-I / S2 / IX / 2000 dated 19 December 2000. In 2008, MPI Study Program is again accredited for the second time and later ranked A based on BAN-PT Decree Number 018 / BAN-PT / Ak-VI / S2 / XII / 2008. The accreditation period is valid for five years from 19 December 2008 to 19 December 2013.

“Hopefully the results of this year's re-accreditation will again get an A from BAN-PT,” said Jamhari.

Also present in the event, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Zulkifli, Vice Rector for Cooperation Andi Faisal Bakti, Rector of UIN Jakarta for the 2014-2019 period Dede Rosyada, Director of SPs UIN Jakarta for the 2014-2019 period Masykuri Abdillah, and the Head of MPI study program JM Muslimin. (usa/ns)