SPs Magister Student Study Islamic Law Genealogy in PTKIN
SPs Building, UIN NEWS Online- Islamic law as a field of academic study at State Islamic College (PTKI) has transformed since the changes formation to IAIN in 1960. The scientific transformation can be classified into three phases. The first phase, search orientation (Qibla) study by using contextual construction framework (1960-1980). The second phase, the study orientation formation with a sociological-historical approach (1980-2000). The third phase, preserving the study orientation by strengthening the research tradition in an integrative-constructive paradigm between Western and Middle Eastern science (2000-2015).
Thus what have been mentioned by Wildani Hefni, a graduate student of SPs UIN Jakarta while defending his thesis under the title  Genealogy of Islamic Law Study at Islamic Religious College of Indonesia (2010-2015) at his thesis exam on Thursday (13/4/2017). The examiners was Prof. Dr. Masykuri Abdillah, Prof. Dr. Arskal Salim, Prof. Dr. Didin Saifudin, and Prof. Dr. Asep Saepudin Jahar as his mentor.
In his thesis, Wildani Hefni explains that from the three phases which have been formed then led to two typologies of Islamic legal studies in PTKI, contextualization mazhabi and interpretive reconstruction. These two typologies work in a flexible genealogical chain without bulkhead system or formal-structural boundaries.
"The evidence of this infinite typology is demonstrated by the development of integrative Islamic law studies in religious colleges by integrating social sciences in paradigm, methods and analytical constructs while conducting Islamic law studies," explained the man who was born in Sumenep 7 November 1991.
Wildani Hefni or Wildan as he often been called make a clear addition that the Islamic law study is inseparable from the reality of life of a diverse society so that the discourse dynamically bring new nuances and perspectives that nasab is an old works annotation.
"Islamic law grows in the framework of diversity, dynamic and change and is in the scientific network of intellectual links between generations," added the recipient of productive students award in 2013 from the Ministry of Religious Affairs on 66th Amal Bakti Day.
The conclusion of the his study supports the thesis of Mahsusn Fuad (2003) and Noorhaidi Hasan (2012) which states that Islamic law is able to adapt to the changing context in society in order to respond to the globalization and modernization challenges. In this context the Islamic law in Islamic Higher Education was born in order to formulate Islamic law in accordance with the times.
"The results of this study rejected the statement of J.N.D Anderson (1976) who concluded that Islamic law was born and grow absolutely as God's revelation which was poured in the text and dependent on the ruling policy," he added.
Furthermore, the man who currently a staff in the Directorate of Islamic Higher Education (Diktis) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs explained that two typologies formed from the three phases as described in the beginning produce different models of study.
"The first typology of the contextualization of the madhhab tends to be the discovery and extension means for the enactment rule of law through the pattern of jurisprudence textual and methodological. While the second typology, interpretive reconstruction, is more as a discovery and extension to the validity of the provisions of law that is endorsed through alternative methods and leads to rearrangement of legal passages and through the dialogical process between the texts, "he concluded.
This thesis exam succeeded in making Wildani Hefni as the 2276th graduate master with cumlaude as the predicate with GPA 3.67. In addition, this thesis is also crowned as honorable mention Mizan scholarship 2017. (usa-im)