SPI Lecturers of UIN Jakarta Participate in Historical Community Forum

SPI Lecturers of UIN Jakarta Participate in Historical Community Forum

Jakarta, UIN News Online – Directorate of History, Ministry of Education and Culture of RI held a Historical Forum activity held on Friday 29 June to Sunday 1 July 2018 at Amoz Cozy Hotel, Blok M, Jakarta. This activity invites 250 historical activists from both historical researchers and writers, historical communities, teachers (teachers & lecturers) and activists working in various fields, both in the Production of History Knowledge, History Knowledge Dissemination, as well as in Public Historical Appreciation ( Community of the Historical) in Indonesia.

On the occasion, the Faculty of Adab and Humanities commissioned three Professor of History (SPI) Prof. Dr. Budi Sulistiono, Dr. Awalia Rahma, and Chairman of SPI, Nurhasan, MA and one Master's (S2) degree student, Akhmad Yusuf to attend the event. Raising the theme on "Strengthening Historical Ecosystems through Historical Community Synergy", this forum aims to be a unifier for historical community and also a regular meeting of historical activists in Indonesia who are engaged in their respective groups in the mass environment through a well-executed and interconnected ecosystem support in efforts to promote the nation's culture. In addition, the activities of historical activist forum in 2018 are expected to generate thought materials and policy recommendations for the government as a contribution of thought to be continued into a sustainable program.

This activity received a positive response from the chairman of the Indonesian Historian Society (MSI), who is also Director General of Culture Ministry of Education and Culture, Hilmar Farid, he supports this kind of activity will continue in the years to come and be made a routine agenda.   The output of this new event is done partama times, in fact able to give birth action plan of cultural promotion. Activities involving more than 40 communities and 200 community members exchanged ideas, showed results and achievements, and discussed about what needs to be done.  The results of the discussion has been submitted to the Directorate of History at the end of this forum activity. (usa)