SPI holds webinar on PTKIN’s risk management
Rectorate, UIN News Online – The Internal Audit Unit (SPI) UIN Jakarta holds national webinar entitled “Inovasi PTKIN dalam membangun Risk Management: Implementasi Audit Berbasis Resiko di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta” on Thursday (07/30/2020) and opened by the Vice Rector for General Administration Ahmad Rodoni.
Present in the event, various internal audit unit of the State Islamic Religious Higher Education (SPI PTKIN) from all over Indonesia, UIN Ar Raniry Banda Aceh representing western Indonesia and IAIN Sorong and IAIN Papua representing eastern Indonesia. Also present in the event, representative from the Inspectorate General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).
The head of SPI UIN Jakarta Abdul Hamid Cebba delivered the black swan theory which refers to rare events that have a big impact and beyond the ordinary. The current Covid-19 pandemic can be a clear example of this theory because it has criteria such as, appearing surprisingly and having a big impact on the world.
“Due to the pandemic, we must be prepared for any future risks, especially for SPI at PTKIN so that they can carry out Risk Management appropriately and accurately,” he said.
Meanwhile, Rezky Mehta Setiadi in his presentation delivered presentation material on the Implementation of Risk Management which is applied at UIN Jakarta. In his presentation, he said that the Government Internal Control System (SPIP) at PTKIN focuses on Risk Assessment which is carried out by implementing Risk Management., this is in line with KMA 580 of 2019 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Control Systems Internal Government at the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs.
The activity continued with conducting a Risk Assessment simulation of one of the faculties at UIN Jakarta, starting from determining the criteria for risk events and risk mapping to mitigate any existing risks. (usa/sam)