SPAN PTKIN, UIN Jakarta provides 942 seats

SPAN PTKIN, UIN Jakarta provides 942 seats

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta provides at least 1038 seats on new admissions for undergraduate program for 2020/2021 academic year through performance-based recruitment (SPAN PTKIN) enrollment type. The seat offered in the SPAN PTKIN enrollment type is only limited to religious study programs.

According to Sub-division head of Publication and Documentary of UIN Jakarta, Samsudin, Friday (03/06/2020), the quota will be spread over 29 religious science courses.

Based on the data, UIN Jakarta has a quota of 942 seats for seven faculties. The seven faculties are; The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training (9 study programs), consists of Islamic Religion Education study program (36 seats), Arabic Language Education study program (32 seats), English Education study program (32 seats), Biology Education study program (27 seats), Physics Education (27 seats), Education Management study program (32 seats), Indonesian Language and Literature study program (32 seats), Kindergarten Teacher Education study program (48 seats) and Islamic Primary School Education study program (36 seats).

The Faculty of Adab and Humanities (3 study programs), which consists of Arabic Language and Literature study program (42 seats), Translation study program (42 seats) and History of Islamic Civilization study program (32 seats).

The Faculty of Ushuluddin (5 study programs), consists of Religious studies study program (24 seats), Quran exegesis study program (48 seats), Hadith study program (36 seats), Islamic Theology and Philosophy study program (24 seats) and Tassawuf (12 seats).

The Faculty of Sharia and Law (5 study programs), consists of Comparative Schools of Islamic Jurisprudence study program (36 seats), Islamic Family Law (36 seats), Constitutional Law (12 seats), Islamic Criminal Law (12 seats), and Islamic Economics (36 seats)

The Faculty of Da’wa and Communication Science (4 study programs), consists of Communication and Islamic Broadcast study program (60 seats), Islamic Guidance and Communication study program (30 seats), Da’wa Management study program (42 seats), and Islamic Community Development study program (24 seats).

The faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (32seats). The Faculty of Economic and Business (2 study programs), consists of Sharia Banking (36 seats) and Sharia Economics study program (36 seats). (usa/ns)