SPAN PTKIN, UIN Jakarta Provides 1600 Seats

SPAN PTKIN, UIN Jakarta Provides 1600 Seats

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta provides at least 1612 seats on new admissions of S1 program for 2017/2018 academic year through Academic Achievement Tracing for Islamic Higher Education Entrance (SPAN PTKIN) enrollment system. The seat offered in the SPAN PTKIN enrollment system is only limited to religious study programs.

According to the Bureau Chief of Academic Administration, Student Affairs and Cooperation Drs Zaenal Arifin, MPd.I to UIN NEWS Online in rectorate building, Thursday, (3/2), the amount of SPAN PTKIN quota won’t be differ from the last year and will be spread over 30 courses in the religious sciences faculties and two in the general sciences.

“There are some tadris courses in the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Trainings (FITK) and the Faculty of Economic and Business, and we put these courses into religious sciences study programs,” he said.

As for the faculty / courses offered and the seats quota for UIN Jakarta SPAN PTKIN admissions are The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training (10 study programs), Islamic Religion Education study program (50 seats), Arabic Language Education study program (45 seats), English Education study program (53 seats), Biology Education study program (35 seats), Physics Education (35 seats), Management of Education study program (35 seats), Indonesian Language and Literature study program (53 seats), Social Scients Education study program (53 seats), Early Childhood Education study program (35 seats) and Elementary School Education study program (35 seats).

The Faculty of Adab and Humanities (3 study programs), Arabic Language and Literature study program (70 seats), Translation study program (70 seats) and History of Islamic Civilization study program (70 seats). The Faculty of Ushuluddin (5 study programs), Comparative Religion study program (35 seats), Quran exegesis study program (100 seats), Hadith study program (35 seats), Islamic Theology and Philosophy study program (35 seats) and Tassawuf (35 seats).

The Faculty of Sharia and Law (5 study programs), Islamic or Family law/Ahwal Syakhsiyah study program (60 seats), Comparative law study program (40 seats), Criminal and Constitutional Law study program/Jinayah Siyasah study program (20 seats), Jinayah study program (20 seats) and Muamalah study program (45 seats).

The Faculty of Da’wa and Communication Science (4 study programs), Communication and Islamic Broadcasting study program (150 seats), Islamic Counseling study program (40 seats), Da’wa Management study program (60 seats), and Islamic Society Development study program (35 seats). The faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (60 seats). The Faculty of Economic and Business (2 study programs), Sharia Banking (40 seats) and Sharia Economics study program (40 seats).

“The prospective students wont be charged for the registration, it has been paid by the government,” said Zaenal. (usa)