SPAN-PTKIN, Academia's Favourite Path into UIN Jakarta

SPAN-PTKIN, Academia's Favourite Path into UIN Jakarta

Rectorate Building, UIN News Online - National Academic Achievement Selection of State Islamic Religious Colleges (SPAN-PTKIN) is a selection path for prospective students of State Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKIN) which will be held based on their academic achievements. This process is being managed by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia and will be open for qualified students from Senior High School (SMA/MAK/SMK).

General Regulations for SPAN-PTKIN 2025

Educational units that can participate in SPAN-PTKIN must have this following general requirements including:

  1. National School Identification Number (NPSN) 
  2. School registration code that can be seen on the Dapodik and EMIS accounts of the education unit 
  3. Active WhatsApp number that can be contacted
  4. Active email account that can be mailed
  5. The school must have done the registration process via official page of 
  6. Subjects that have been determined by applicable regulations

Meanwhile, students who can take part in SPAN-PTKIN must have this following general requirements regarding: 

  1. National Student Registration Number (NISN) 
  2. Achievements in academic or non-academic fields
  3. Proven track record of achievement in the School and Student Database (PDSS)

Important Schedule of SPAN-PTKIN 2025



PDSS Filling

06 January - 25 January 2025

PDSS Verification

06 January - 30 January 2025

Registration by students

01 February - 06 March 2025

Announcement of the final result

March 27, 2025


Lists of Study Programs Offered by UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 

The following below are some of the study programs available for the UM-PTKIN and SPAN-PTKIN tracks:

  1. Islamic Religious Education
  2. Arabic Language Education 
  3. Tadris English 
  4. Tadris Biology
  5. Tadris Physics
  6. Management Education
  7. Indonesian Language Teaching
  8. Social Sciences (IPS) Teaching
  9. Elementary Madrasah Teacher Education
  10. Islamic Education for Children (Kindergarten)
  11. Arabic Language and Literature
  12. History of Islamic Civilization
  13. Tarjamah 
  14. Religious Studies
  15. The Science of the Qur'an and Tafsir
  16. Hadith Science
  17. Islamic Aqidah and Philosophy
  18. Sufism (Islamic Mysticism)
  19. Islamic Family Law (Ahwal Syakhshiyyah)
  20. Comparison of Madhabs
  21. State Administrative Law (Siyasah)
  22. Islamic Criminal Law (Jinayah)
  23. Sharia Economic Law (Mua’malah)
  24. Islamic Communication and Broadcasting
  25. Islamic Guidance and Counseling
  26. Dirasat Islamiyah
  27. Da'wah Management
  28. Development of Islamic Society
  29. Sharia Banking
  30. Islamic Economy 

For more complete information and registration process, please visit

Don't miss this opportunity to begin your higher education studies at the best Islamic religious college across Indonesia! We are waiting for you to become the part of UIN Jakarta. 

(Alfina Ika Arianti/Zaenal M./Muhamad Arifin Ilham)

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