Southeast Asian Islamic Researchers Will Attend the AICIS 2018

Southeast Asian Islamic Researchers Will Attend the AICIS 2018

Palu, UIN NEWS Online - Hundreds of Southeast Asian Islamic researchers from national and international Islamic Higher Education Institution (PTKI) are scheduled to attend the 18th Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS). Besides presenting hundreds of research papers, forums scheduled for Monday-Thursday (17-20 / 09/2018) and centered on IAIN Datokarama, Palu, this will present a number of discussion sessions on the development of contemporary Islam.

Quoting the committee's official statement, the 2018 AICIS activity itself will be opened directly by Indonesian Minister of Religion Lukman Hakim Saifuddin at the Mercure Hotel, Palu, Tuesday (18/09). The opening was also marked by the presentation of a public lecture from Prof. Dr. Dominic Muller, contemporary Islamic studies expert from the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Germany.

From UIN Online News report on Monday morning (09/17/2018), hundreds of participants appeared to arrive at Mutiara Airport SIS al-Jufrie, Palu. They are facilitated by picking up the committee to the location of the activity.

Meanwhile, the AICIS conference carries the theme of Islam in Globalizing World: Text, Knowledge, and Practice. Director of Islamic Higher Education, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Arskal Salim GP MA previously revealed, the conference with this theme is expected to provide momentum for Islamic religious colleges to socialize ideas and scientific work at a global level.

"Hopefully, the positive benefits of this activity can be felt by the public in the country and the international community," he said.

Related to that, the Committee itself chose no less than 100 papers of lecturers from various national religious universities to be presented. All of them were presented in 25 groups according to the chosen sub-themes such as the Dynamics of Indonesian Pesantren and the Challenges in the Millennial Era, the Dynamics of Muslim Mobility in Diasporic Experience in Southeast Asia, and the Construction of Media on Righteousness.

Separately, Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada welcomed the implementation of AICIS 2018. Representing the academic community of UIN Jakarta, the chancellor hoped that the implementation of AICIS would be the right momentum to encourage research and publications of Indonesian Islamic religious colleges at the international level.

"Congratulations on the implementation of AICIS 2018. Hopefully it will provide the spirit for researchers of Islamic religious institutions in the country to continue the spirit of exploring scientific treasures as well as dialogue with world academic partners," he explained. (usa)