Social sciences education department holds field practicum in Indramayu
Indramayu, UIN News Online – Social sciences education (IPS) department of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Sciences (FITK) UIN Jakarta holds field practicum activites centered on Tiris and Karangsong Beaches, Indramayu Regency on 3-5 December 2021.
“Tiris Beach was chosen as the object of study because the area is categorized as a coastal area prone to abrasion if it left alone,” said the Social Science Education departmen secretary Andri Noor Ardiansyah.
By looking at this phenomenon, continued Andri, this field practicum aims to enable students to analyze any physical oceanographic parameters that can affect the size of the abrasion and identify the types of mangrove trees. “Mangrove also serve as a natural barrier to seawater abrasion and reduce the risk of floods,” he said.
He also added that in the practicum, the students took action by planting 1000 mangrove trees around Tiris Beach.
“This is done as an effort to control abrasion on Tiris Beach,” he added.
For information, this practicum opportunity was also attended by the Social Sciences Education Study Program and Natural Sciences Education Study Program of STKIP Al-Amin Indramayu. Previously, the IPS Education Study Program STKIP Al-Amin had proposed a collaboration with the IPS education department FITK UIN Jakarta, one of the points of which was to take part in a series of academic activities including joint field practicums held by the IPS education department FITK UIN Jakarta. This was done as a form of implementation of the Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM) program.
This activity itself was attended by 36 students of the Social Sciences Education Department of FITK UIN Jakarta, 45 students of the Social Sciences Education Department of STKIP Al-Amin, and 15 students of the Natural Science Department of STKIP Al-Amin.
After doing the field practicum at Tiris Beach, the next day the practicum location was continued to Karangsong Beach, as the largest mangrove edutourism place in Indramayu to recognize various types of mangrove plants and their benefits as the main ingredients for food, drinks, and cosmetics. (AndriNoorArdiansyah/MusAm/USA)