Social Minister RI Briefs KKN Participants
Main Auditorium, UIN News Online – Indonesia’s Social Minister Dr Idrus Marham MSc release all KKN Participants at Harun Nasution Auditorium, Campus I of UIN Jakarta, Tuesday, (07/17/2018).
In front of all KKN participants, Idrus urges KKN activity to be undertaken seriously, he also hopes that this activity can give a deep positive impression in the village and the environment where KKN was implemented.
"During the implementation, students must realize thr Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education), which consists of education, doing research, and community services," said Idrus.
Furthermore, Currently, the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) continues to oversee the welfare program of 43 districts and cities that exist in the border areas. This is one of the efforts in strengthening the unity of the nation, if the people of the border area have a better standard of living, they will automatically feel recognized and proud to be part of Indonesia.
At the end of his speech, Social Affairs Minister appreciated and congratulated all KKN participants. According to Social Minister, KKN activity is one step that must be done by the students to reach the bachelor degree.
For information, The Ministry of Social Affairs RI also provides social assistance to UIN Jakarta which will be used for both teaching and learning process as well as other social activities. (usa)