SMM PTN-Barat Admission is Now Open

SMM PTN-Barat Admission is Now Open

Rectorate, UIN News Online – SMM PTN-Barat enrollment type is now open. UIN Jakarta provides a quota of 184 seats in 26 general study programs offered.

Based on PR Release of UIN Jakarta on Monday (04/04/2022), an online registration page from SMM PTN-Barat enrollment can be accessed through Online registration is open to all students graduating from SMA/MA/SMK or equivalent as well as Package C majoring in Science and Social Sciences.

However, as quoted from the page, there are several other conditions that must be met. For graduates of SMA/SMK/MA or equivalent and Package C must have a diploma.

For graduates of SMA/SMK/MA or equivalent and Package C in 2022, already have a Graduation Certificate which contains at least identity information, the relevant photograph, and is affixed with a valid stamp.

In addition, the applicant must also have an adequate health condition, so as not to interfere with the learning process in their study program.

The next requirement is that the diploma is only valid for the last three years, namely 2020, 2021, and 2022, except for some universities, such as UMRAH, UNJA, UTU and Unimal (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022).

ISBI Aceh received a diploma for the last 10 years, starting with a diploma from 2013 to 2022 and Package C with a maximum age of 35 years; and UPR for the last three years (2020, 2021, and 2022) for the Faculty of Medicine and the last five years (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022) for other faculties and package C with a maximum age of 25 years.

In SMM PTN-Barat, prospective students can choose as many as two choices of study programs at one or more PTNs. The order in the selection of study programs states the priority of choice.

SMM PTN-Barat selection will be held on June 30-July 14, 2022 through the Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK). The location of the exam is chosen based on the location of the PTN closest to the prospective student.

According to the UIN Jakarta’s Rector Decree No. 28 of 2022, the quota provided for the SMM PTN-Barat is 184 seats or 30 percent of the total PMB. The study programs offered at UIN Jakarta include the Science and Technology (Saintek) group with a total of 14 study programs and Social Humanities (Soshum) with a total of 12 study programs.

The details of the quota for each study program in the Science and Technology group include Agribusiness with 6 seats, Informatics Engineering (6 seats), Information Systems (5 seats), Mathematics (4 seats), Biology (4 seats), Chemistry (6 seats), Physics ( 4 seats), Public Health (6 seats), Pharmacy (6 seats), Nursing Science (6 seats), Medical Education (3 seats), Chemistry Education (5 seats), Mathematics Education (5 seats), and Mining Engineering (4 seats).

Meanwhile for Soshum group, Accounting has 8 seats, Economics and Development Studies (6 seats), International Relations (6 seats), Journalism (24 seats), Psychology (10 seats), Management (8 seats), Social Welfare (18 seats), Sociology (6 seats), Legal Studies (8 seats), Library Science (7 seats), Political Science (6 seats), and English Language and Literature (7 seats). (ns/usa)