SMK Darul Makwa Lampung Students Visit UIN Jakarta

SMK Darul Makwa Lampung Students Visit UIN Jakarta

Uni Club, UIN News Online – As many as 44 students from SMK Darul Makwa, Lampung, visit UIN Jakarta on Thursday, (3/9). The group, led by the principal of SMK Darul Makwa Dedi Setiawan and accompanied by several teachers was welcomed by the Head of Academic Affairs Division of UIN Jakarta Ir. Yarsi Berlianti at Uni Club UIN Jakarta.

Dedi explained, this activity was held in order to introduce the students to the University life as well as to provide experiences on outer high school environments.

“We want our students obtained as much as information regarding Higher Education institution, especially UIN Jakarta,” said Dedi.

Dedi also said that this is their first time they visiting UIN Jakarta. Therefore, he hoped that the visit will be done routinely every year.

The Head of Academic Affairs Division of UIN Jakarta Ir. Yarsi Berlianti in her remarks explained everything about UIN Jakarta to the students. To become the student of UIN Jakarta, one must passed several selection tests. Among them are SNMPTN, SBMPTN, SPAN PTKIN, UM PTKIN, and Self Enrollment test.

“SPAN PTKIN and UM PTKIN only offers religious study programs, while SNMPTN and SBMPTN offers general study programs,” she explained.

As for the Self Enrollment, is one enrollment system that is managed and organized by each university.  “Self enrollment system will offer all study programs, both religious and general study programs,” she said. (usa)