SINTA Awardee and Pharmacology Expert from UIN Jakarta: Professor Flori Ratna Sari

SINTA Awardee and Pharmacology Expert from UIN Jakarta: Professor Flori Ratna Sari

Jakarta, UIN Online News - UIN Jakarta has once again ascended a professor as a sign of its dedication to raise the standard in the world of scientific research and academic teaching.  At the end of 2024, a pharmacology expert namely Dr. Flori Ratna Sari joined the Faculty of Medicine.

Professor Flori finished her Doctorate at Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences after completing her medical studies in 2000 and specialist medical studies in 2002 at the University of Indonesia.

As a a pharmacology expert, Professor Flori frequently writes pharmaceutical subjects. She is also a prolific researcher in the fields of clinical pharmacology, biomolecular studies, and medicinal chemistry. Her well-known book "Bekam sebagai Kedokteran Profetik" on traditional medicine helps demonstrate that cupping, which is regarded as a traditional therapy, has been scientifically proven for treating and curing a wide ange of illnesses. The history and literary study of cupping in the Prophet's hadiths are also included in this book.

Furthermore, Professor Flori is a productive researcher in Science and Technology Index (SINTA), as evidenced by the fact that she was awarded with the "Nominees for the SINTA Award for Authors of Scientific Articles with the Highest SINTA Score in the Religious Higher Education Category" at the SINTA Awards event and was the first author of the SINTA version of UIN Jakarta.

It is known that Professor Flori is currently serve as the director of RS Haji UIN Jakarta, after the period of H Bayu Wahyudi, Ph.D. in 2023. She was also the deputy dean of the Faculty of Medicine at UIN Jakarta from 2019 to 2023.

Professor Flori Ratna Sari is a brilliant scholar from UIN Jakarta who is highly committed to community involvement and an active lecturer in the field of teaching and research. In addition to her scientific accomplishments, she serves as a role model for physicians and medical students to encourage them in the development of medical studies.

(Muhammad Hanif Al Fatih/Zaenal M./Muhamad Arifin Ilham/Photo: @fkuinjkt)

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