Sharia Event 2018 Wants to Affirm the Characteristics of FSH Scholar

Sharia Event 2018 Wants to Affirm the Characteristics of FSH Scholar

Rectorate, UIN Online News - Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH) UIN Jakarta scheduled 2018 Sharia Event on campus 1, Tuesday-Thursday (23-25 / 10/2018). The event will be filled with various events that emphasize the character of FSH student scholarship who studied Islamic law and at the same time conventional law scholarship.

This was conveyed by the Vice Dean of FSH Dr. Yayan Sopyan at the Rectorate Building, Monday (10/22/2018). According to him, Sharia Event 2018 was held with a different design so that the scholarly character of Islamic law of Islamic religious colleges was maintained.

"The activities are designed to safeguard the values of Islamic scholarship, even though they still study conventional legal scholarship," he said.

The activity began with the launch and book review of the Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA. In this book entitled Islamic Jurisprudence in Indonesia (UIN Jakarta Press: 2018), the author mapped the efforts of a number of Indonesian Islamic organizations in exploring sources as well as formulating Islamic legal jurisprudence.

Furthermore, Sharia Event 2018 is filled with a national seminar entitled Transformation of Sharia Values into National Law Development. Supreme Court Justice MA Dr Yasardin and Deputy Chair of the Judicial Commission Maradaman Harahap MH are scheduled to be the speakers of this seminar.

At the same time, Sharia Event 2018 will be filled with the Sharia debate competition and musabaqoh qiraatul kutub or yellow book reading competition. In addition, this activity will be filled with the submission of winners of the national level Sharia scientific writing competition.

"With the sharia debate competition and musabaqoh qiraatul kutub, we want the sharia scholarship identity to remain strong in FSH students," he said again.

On the other side, Yayan added, the 2018 Sharia Event will also be enlivened by a national gathering of deans, vice deans and Islamic students. In addition to establishing institutional communication, national friendship is expected to provide input for improving the scientific quality of sharia Islamic religious colleges. (usa)