Sharia Economic department holds public lecture on fiqh muamalah

Sharia Economic department holds public lecture on fiqh muamalah

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Sharia Economic department of the Faculty of Eonomics and Business (FEB) UIN Jakarta holds public lecture on fiqh muamalah entitled “Implementasi Fikih Muamalah di Era Digital” on Thursday (08/12/2021) by presenting two Indonesian sharia economic experts who are also sharia banking practitioners, Oni Sahroni and Donny Fernando.

The activity, which was officially opened by the Chancellor of UIN Jakarta, Amany Lubis, was attended by various groups, such as students, lecturers, practitioners of sharia banking and sharia finance, as well as sharia economy enthusiasts. Also present in the event, Dean of FEB Amilin, the deputy deans of FEB, and department heads.

Rector Amany Lubis in his remarks say that in Indonesia, fiqh muamalah becomes a priority. This is because most Indonesian people carry out sharia transactions

“Muamalah fiqh is actually positive fiqh that is being implemented in Indonesia. This is also a privilege for Indonesia, because not many countries in the world can conduct sharia transaction,” she said.

The development of science and technology, encourages and facilitates humans in carrying out activities in various fields. This also makes muamalah fiqh very dynamic to be implemented.

“By implementing muamalah fiqh in this digital era, many buying and selling transaction processes have changed. With the development of technology and information, this can make changes and the emergence of various innovations and creativity in conducting sharia transactions,” she said.

Inline with Rector Amany, Dean of FEB UIN Jakarta Amilin said theme of implementing fiqh muamalah in the digital era in Indonesia was very relevant. This is to respond to the development of various world trade transactions that have begun to enter the digital era.

“Digital developments encourage and make it easier for humans to carry out various trade transactions,” said Amilin

Meanwhile, Oni Sahroni in his presentation said that creation, innovation, and creativity in muamalah are permissible. “Creations and innovations in muamalah are perfectly permitted, unless there is a law that prohibits it,” said Oni

On the same occasion, Donny Fernando said the emergence of various sharia-based online platforms can provide convenience to mankind. Solutions must be made to provide convenience both in daily life and other sharia-based muamalah activities.

“So, innovation is a solution for everyday convenience, and the transaction is sharia-compliant,” he said. (usa/ns/ha)