Shaping Tomorrow: UIN Jakarta’s Rector Urges Graduates to Forge a Resilient Future
Main Auditorium, UIN Online News – At the second day of the 133rd graduation ceremony, the Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, MA., Ph.D., delivered a compelling message about the vital role of resilient generations in securing Indonesia’s future. The event, marked by its solemnity, was attended by enthusiastic graduates and their families.
“Today's theme is of paramount importance: fortifying resilient generations for Indonesia’s future,” said Asep. He emphasized that the complex global challenges of today necessitate a new generation that is both resilient and forward-thinking.
In his powerful speech, Rector highlighted that the graduates from UIN Jakarta are well-equipped with the knowledge needed to contribute meaningfully to society. “You have been trained to engage effectively with the community. The knowledge you have gained extends beyond personal benefit and serves the greater good of the nation,” he said.
Rector Asep also acknowledged the graduates’ perseverance throughout their academic journey. “You have demonstrated your ability to overcome numerous challenges, from adapting to campus life and navigating the COVID-19 pandemic to tackling various academic hurdles. This proves that you are indeed a resilient generation,” he praised.
The Rector further underscored the significance of networking and relationship-building in achieving success. “Your success will be shaped by your willingness to venture further and build strong connections. Continue learning and expanding your network,” he advised.
Additionally, Asep urged the graduates to cultivate a habit of literacy. “Regular reading, with God’s grace, will bring blessings. The knowledge you acquire through reading will unlock new opportunities,” he suggested.
Through these inspiring words, Asep hopes that the graduates will emerge as a resilient force ready to drive Indonesia toward a brighter future. With the education, values, and determination gained from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, these new graduates are poised to make significant contributions to national development across various fields.
(Rizkiyah Gustiana/Fauziah M./Raihan Lail Ramadhan/Photo: M. Fahri Afrizal, Hermanudin)