Senate Meeting at UIN Jakarta Focuses on 2024 Work Plan and Key Accomplishments

Senate Meeting at UIN Jakarta Focuses on 2024 Work Plan and Key Accomplishments

Diorama Room, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta convened an Open Senate Meeting on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, held in the Diorama Room. The meeting served as a platform for the Rector to present the university's achievements from the first semester of the year and to discuss the priority work plans for 2024. Attendees included the Rector, Senate Chairman, professors, university leaders, bureau heads, senate members, and lecturer representatives.

Senate Chairman Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A., outlined UIN Jakarta's seven priority programs for the 2023-2027 period. These programs focus on internationalization and recognition for students, lecturers, and the institution, the development of PTN BH (Legal Entity State Universities), digitalization, strengthening university business and revenue streams, enhancing green campus infrastructure, rebranding through improved public relations, and bureaucratic reform.

Dede emphasized that the purpose of this meeting was to evaluate progress made in the past semester and to review the priority work plans for the upcoming semester.

In his address, UIN Jakarta Rector Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., underscored the necessity of aligning with global trends such as green campus initiatives, digitalization, business independence, and internationalization. “These elements are crucial milestones for UIN Jakarta,” Asep stated.

The Rector's performance report for the first semester of 2024 highlighted significant accomplishments, including an increase in the Budget Implementation Performance Indicator (IKPA) to 95.96 and a 120.28% achievement rate for the Rector's Priority Program. He also noted the effectiveness of the management and integration system, as evidenced by the Maturity Rating of the Public Service Agency Integrated Online System (BIOS).

Looking ahead to the second semester of 2024, the Rector outlined seven key areas of focus: strengthening religious moderation training, enhancing lecturer certification programs, improving study program accreditation, boosting international promotion and publications, advancing accountability systems, upgrading digital infrastructure, and implementing the UI GreenMetric environmentally friendly campus program.

The meeting also featured suggestions and feedback from senate members, with the Rector and relevant Vice Rectors responding directly to these inputs. Prof. Dede concluded the meeting by highlighting the need for further discussions on ethical approval processes, the integration of international issues into the curriculum, and the standardization of campus operations.

“We expect all commissions to engage more deeply to ensure structured and consistent progress,”  Dede concluded.

Activity Documentation:

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(Aji Pangestu/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: Muhammad Fahri Afrizal, Hermanudin)

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