Senate Appreciates UIN Jakarta Development Program
Diorama Room, UIN News Online – Senate of UIN Jakarta appreciated a number of achievements of the development program achieved by the rectorate leadership until the end of the 2017. The Senate hopes that the success of the development program to be maintained and enhanced in strengthening the scientific and Islamic contribution of UIN Jakarta to the public, both national and international.
This was conveyed by the Senate Chairman of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. M. Atho Mudhzar during the closing of plenary meeting, Tuesday, (1/16/2018) at diorama room, campus I of UIN Jakarta. "We appreciate the success that has been achieved. Hopefully in 2018 and future, we can maintain and improve our quality,” said Atho.
In the meeting, Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA submitted the development report of UIN Jakarta to the chairman, secretary, commission chairman, and all senate member of UIN Jakarta. Accompanying the rector, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Dr Fadhilah Suralaga M.Si., Vice Rector for General Administration Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid MS, Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Dr. Yusran Razak MA, and Vice Rector for Cooperation Prof. Dr. Murodi, M.Ag.
One of the things the senate appreciates is the increasing the number of accredited scientific journals and the holding of international conferences with indexed proceedings. According to Atho, as an academic institution, UIN Jakarta should consider the increasing number of indexed journals and proceedings.
"In the past years, I am personally confused on how to publish the article. However, with this increasing number of journals and proceedings, I hope the confusion I have experienced before would not be experienced by others," he said.
By the end of 2017, UIN Jakarta has successfully increased the number of accredited journals to 10 journals. The 10 journals are Jurnal Kimia Valensi, Jurnal Tarbiya, Jurnal Arabiyat, Jurnal Edusains, Jurnal Etikonomi, dan Jurnal al-Iqtishad, Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin, Jurnal Signifikan, Jurnal Ahkam, and Jurnal Studia Islamika which is indexed by SCOPUS.
Additionally, Rector himself reported various development progress of UIN Jakarta during 2015-2017. Development includes education and teaching, research and publication, community service, institutional cooperation and development, and finance and infrastructure.
“Alhamdulillah, both the quantity and quality of the five fields reported have been increased. Hopefully, we can improve this achievement in the coming year," said Rector. (usa)