Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Optimistic that UIN Jakarta Will Achieve Global Recognition

Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Optimistic that UIN Jakarta Will Achieve Global Recognition

Bogor, UIN News Online – Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs Nizar Ali optimistic that UIN Jakarta will achieve global recognition. He hopes that UIN Jakarta will become a role model in the development of State Islamic Religious Higher Institution (PTKIN) in the future.

This was said by Nizar in his presentation at 2022 Rakerpim of UIN Jakarta on Tuesday (03/08/2022) held at Cisarua, Bogor, West Java.

“I believe that UIN Jakarta is incomparable to other PTKIN and can compete with public universities,” said Nizar.

The Strategic Plan of the Directorate General of Islamic Education of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, he quoted, said PTKIN is expected to achieve global recognition in 2029. However, UIN Jakarta itself has targeted global recognition in its 2020-2024 Strategic Plan.

According to Nizar, UIN Jakarta has made an early step in achieving global academic recognition. This is supported by the readiness of supporting aspects such as human resource capacity, campus infrastructure, and various other aspects.

In addition, his party also encourages UIN Jakarta to strengthen its globality aspects. Among them are providing opportunities for foreign students to study at UIN Jakarta and strengthening global academic cooperation. He also encouraged UIN Jakarta to become the leading PTKIN in the implementation of religious moderation in various aspects.

“I hope that UIN Jakarta will continue to make global academic and institutional breakthroughs,” he said. (zm/usa)