Scimago ranks, studia islamika managed to achieve the top three in Asia
Rectorate, UIN News Online – The Journal of Studia Islamika succeeded in occupying the top three ranks of Asia in the Scimago Journal & Country Rank for the journal of religious studies category. This makes Studia Islamika one of the three Indonesian higher education journals that successfully represent the ranking of scientific publications on religious social studies in Indonesia at the Asian level.
Based on, on Monday (02/24/2020), there are at least 12 journals published by various Asian universities and academic institutions. Besides Studia Islamika, two journals included in the list are the Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies from IAIN Salatiga and the Journal of Indonesian Islam from UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
Of the 12 journals, the Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, published by the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture occupies the first position. The journal, which was published directly by the Nanzan Institute in 1981, recorded a journal's impact score of 0.170. The second position is occupied by the Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies with 0.161 of journal's impact score.
The Studia Islamika itself ranks third with a 0.157 of journal's impact. This position places Studia Islamika higher than the Journal of Hindu Studies published by the Oxford Center for Hindu Studies, India, which ranks 4th in Asia. The 5th position itself is occupied by Al-Shajarah Journal published by International Islamic University Malaysia.
While the 6th to 12th place in the Asian Journal of Religions in the Scimago ranking are respectively occupied by Asian Ethnology (Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, Japan), Logos and Pneuma - Chinese Journal of Theology (Institute of Sino-Christian Studies , China), and Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies (Sungkyunkwan University, Academy of East Asian Studies, South Korea), Journal of Indonesian Islam (UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia), Journal of Dharma (Dharmaram College, India), Sino-Christian Studies (Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan), and Hamdard Islamicus (Hamdard National Foundation, Pakistan).
For information, the Studia Islamika is an international journal published by the Center for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Center for Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta. Studia Islamika specializes in Indonesian Islamic studies in particular, and Southeast Asian Islamic studies in general. (usa/zm)