Scientific Journals in UIN Jakarta Receives Accreditation
Ciputat, UIN NEWS Online— Three scientific journals in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta receives accreditation by the Decree of the Director General of Research and Development Strengthening the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 36A / E / OPT / 2017 dated May 23 2016. The three journals that receives an accreditation are Jurnal Cita Hukum, ISSN Number: 2356-1440 Published by The Faculty of Sharia and Law, Jurnal Signifikan, ISSN Number: 2087-2046 Published by The Faculty of Economics and Business, and Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, ISSN Number: 1412-4734, Published by The Faculty of Sharia and Law and is the only journal that managed to regain its accreditation status (7/20).
The proposal to carry out the accreditation process for the journals in UIN Jakarta was conducted at the end of March 2016. This was the last accreditation proposal that use the printable version, regarding to the circular letter number 193/E/SE/XII/2015 which is concerning about Electronic Scientific Journal Accreditation issued by the Directorate General of Strengthening Research and Development of the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education. Starting on April 1, 2016, the Directorate-General for Research and Development Strengthening Intellectual Property Management Directorate will only accept and process the proposed accreditation of national scientific journals (periodicals) which has been managed electronically, so that the assessment process would be easier, faster, more accurate and transparent.
Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA welcomed the achievement. Now, UIN Jakarta has been increasing two national accredited journals. With the increasing number of accredited journal, it also increase the qualified scientific publications as aspired by UIN Jakarta to be The Research University. (ih/umar s.)