Scholarship Program to Screens The High Achieving Students
Rectorate Building, UIN NEWS Online – Same as last year, UIN Jakarta will screen high achieving new admission for the bachelor program academic year 2017/2018.The screening scheme will be done through scholarship opportunity both internal and external (cooperation).
Head of Academic Administration, Student Affairs and Cooperation Bureau Drs Zaenal Arifin MPd.I told UINNews Online at Rectorate Building, Friday (10/2/2017) that the screening of high achieving new admissions done through three schemes, from UIN Jakarta Public Services Institution (BLU) Scholarship, Ministry of Religious Affairs Scholarship, South Sumatran Government Scholarship, and South Celebes Government scholarship.
“But the offering for scholarship is only for selected study programs, not all of them,†said Zaenal.
As an example, The BLU UIN Jakarta Scholarshp is for new admission in the religious study program such as Faculty of Islamic Studies (1 study program), Faculty of Ushuluddin (5 studiy program), Faculty of Adab and Humanities (2 study program), and Faculty of Sharia and Law (1 study program). According to Zaenal, the total scholarship application for nine study programs are 200 students.
Specific for the cooperation sceme with Ministry of Religious Affairs and Provincial Government, the scholarship only applied for the four study programs at Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Total quota provided is for 50 students, with the details as follows National High Achieving Santri Scholarship Preogram from the Ministry of Religious Affairs 40 students, Provincial Government of South Sumatra 5 students, and Provincial Government of Soulth Celebes 5 students
According to Zaenal, scholarship program from the Ministry of Religious affairs and provincial government is a cooperation program to screens high achieving student from pondok pesantren (madrasah) environment accross the nation. This policy was made so that the santris could have the same opportunity and access to study in Faculty of Medicine.
“So, as a condition to get the scjolarship, the santri must go back to their respective hometown after the graduation,†he said. Beside obliged to go back to the hometown, during their study period in UIN Jakarta, it is compulsory to stay in the dormitory, and attended matriculation.
Furthermore, Zaenal explained, the high achieving student scholarship is currently unavailable because it is still in the preparation. But, he made sure that the program will be opened this year to fulfill the equality of education, especially for santri from rural regions. (rs)