SBMPTN enrollment will be open on June
Rectorate, UIN News Online – The Joint Enrollment for State Higher Education Entrance (SBMPTN) enrollment for UIN Jakarta academic year 2020/2021 will be opened in June 2020. The SBMPTN offers 29 general study programs with a national total quota of 40 percent.
SBMPTN registration will be opened on June 2-13, 2020. Before registering, prospective students must first take UTBK according to their groups, namely Science and Social Humanities (Soshum), and Mixed groups (Saintes and Soshum). UTBK registration begins by creating a student account at the LTMPT portal from 7 February to 5 April 2020. Registrants are only required to enter the National Student Registration Number (NISN), National School Principal Number (NPSN), and Date of birth.
The UTBK registration fee is IDR 200,000 for the Sainstek or Soshum group and IDR 300,000 for the Mixed group and can be paid directly at the three designated partner banks, namely Mandiri, BTN, and BNI. Meanwhile for prospective participants who have a Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) Kuliah that have passed the requirements will not be charged.
Requirements for registering prospective students come from 12th grade high school / MA / SMK graduates in 2020 or 2018 and 2019 high school / MA / SMK / equivalent graduates or Package C graduates in 2018, 2019 and 2020. For high school / MA / SMK / SMK students Graduates in 2020 must have a "Graduate Certificate".
As for high school / MA / SMK / equivalent graduates in 2018 and
2019 or graduates of Package C in 2018, 2019 and 2020 must have a diploma. Other requirements have a UTBK 2020 value, have an account at LTMPT, and do not pass the the SNMPTN 2020 enrollment type.
After registering, participants officially register for UTBK starting on March 30-April 11, 2020. After that, UTBK will be held simultaneously at the national level on April 20-26, 2020. While the announcement of the UTBK results will be made on May 12, 2020 at 17.00 WIB.
After participating in the UTBK and obtaining the result from the UTBK, participants then choose PTN by registering SBMPTN on June 2-13, 2020. SBMPTN results will be announced on June 30, 2020 at 15.00 West Indonesia Time.
In accordance with the provisions of the LTMPT, the study programs in PTN are divided into two groups, namely the Saintek group and the Soshum group. Participants can choose a study program at the most two study programs with the provisions that if the study programs selected are all from the Saintek group, participants take the Saintek examination group; if the study programs chosen are all from the Soshum group, participants take the Soshum exam group; and if the study program is chosen from the Saintek group and the Soshum group, participants take the Mixed examination group.
The order in choosing the study program states as a priority choice. Every SBMPTN participant can choose a study program at any PTN in Indonesia. (usa/ns)