RSSH UIN Jakarta Partners with Harapan Kita Heart and Vascular Hospital to Enhance Cardiac Services

RSSH UIN Jakarta Partners with Harapan Kita Heart and Vascular Hospital to Enhance Cardiac Services

Jakarta, June 27, 2024 – RS Syahid Husada (RSSH) at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has taken a significant step to improve its healthcare services by partnering with Harapan Kita Heart and Vascular Hospital. The meeting was attended by the President Director of Harapan Kita Heart and Vascular Hospital, Dr. Iwan Dakota, SpJP(K), MARS, FACC, FESC, Medical and Nursing Director Dr. Muhadi, Sp. Pd, KKV, Acting Director of HR, Education, and Research Dr. Basuni Radi, SpJP(K), along with other leaders and specialist doctors. From UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, the attendees included Rector Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, Ph.D., RSSH President Director Dr. Marissa Julinda M.H.Kes, Sp. Pros., and Head of the Center for International Cooperation Services Prof. Maila Dinia Husni Rahiem, Ph.D.

This visit aimed to foster relationships, explore hospital collaborations, exchange information for grants, and request an additional two specialist heart doctors for RSSH UIN Jakarta.

Harapan Kita, a government hospital designated as a Heart Center, emphasized the importance of more comprehensive educational hospitals. The discussion highlighted strategies and key areas for developing integrated cardiac services at RSSH UIN Jakarta. It also covered the current cardiology landscape in Indonesia, where heart doctors are now available in 13 regions nationwide, previously only in Jakarta and Surabaya.

UIN Jakarta Rector, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, Ph.D., stressed that to attract and retain top talent, hospitals must be equipped with complete and advanced medical tools. "Incomplete facilities risk losing professionals who want to develop their skills elsewhere," he said. Meanwhile, Dr. Marissa Julinda noted the high daily number of heart patients, averaging 45, with currently only one heart specialist at RS UIN Jakarta.

Dr. Iwan Dakota, SpJP(K), MARS, FACC, FESC, President Director of Harapan Kita Heart and Vascular Hospital, welcomed this visit and expressed continuous support for the needs and progress of RSSH UIN Jakarta, including assisting in providing heart specialist doctors. He also emphasized the importance of continuous education and training programs for healthcare workers in cardiac care, including not only cardiologists but also surgeons, anesthesiologists, and cath lab technicians. Harapan Kita Heart and Vascular Hospital offers training opportunities for medical students and healthcare workers from RSSH UIN Jakarta.

Collaboration with BPJS was also a focus, given that cardiac care is the largest claim sector in healthcare services. The proposed roadmap includes increasing the number of beds and healthcare workers dedicated to cardiac care, opening new positions for cardiologists to expand services, and submitting grant proposals for a cath lab through alumni networks in the Middle East focusing on basic cardiology infrastructure.

The importance of developing cardiac services is underscored by the high mortality rates from heart disease, stroke, microbiological conditions, and cancer. Among these conditions, cardiac services have the potential to generate significant revenue for the hospital. For further development, RSSH UIN Jakarta needs to provide comprehensive services to the community by building supportive buildings and infrastructure. Dr. Iwan Dakota suggested that UIN Jakarta seek grant funding from abroad, such as donors from Saudi Arabia, who typically require the availability of land with complete documents, and as a form of appreciation, the buildings can be named after the donors. RSSH and the Center for International Cooperation Services will work closely together to obtain grants or investments that can accelerate RSSH's development.

Harapan Kita has committed to assisting and facilitating UIN Jakarta in establishing and enhancing cardiac services. This collaboration marks a promising step toward improving medical education and healthcare services, in line with UIN Jakarta's mission to provide the best medical care and training.

(PIH/Faadhila Idris)



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