Ridwaan Jadwat is scheduled to deliver his speech at SPs UIN Jakarta

Ridwaan Jadwat is scheduled to deliver his speech at SPs UIN Jakarta

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Special envoy from Australia for Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is scheduled to deliver his speech at the graduate school (SPs) UIN Jakarta, Friday (09/20/2019). Jadwat is planned to deliver a topic entitled "Muslims in Australia: A Story of Cultural and Religious Diversity".

Based on SPs UIN Jakarta press release on Thursday (09/12/2019), will explain the history and life of Muslims in Australia and their role in the social and economic fields including in government.

As a Muslim and diplomat, Jadwat's role has many important roles in establishing harmonious relations between Australia and countries in the Middle East region, such as Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iran and Egypt. He is also very concerned about the Islamic development in Southeast Asia.

Ridwaan Jadwat is a senior official at the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). He recently served as Assistant Secretary and Head of Policy, 2018 ASEAN-Australia Summit Task Force in the Prime Minister's Department and Cabinet (PM&C). Previously he also served as a Counselor, Australian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur and Deputy Ambassador of the Australian Embassy in Tehran, Iran.

In Canberra, he has served as Assistant Secretary, Southeast and South Asia, America and the Middle East, as well as the ASEAN Director of the EAS, DFAT. Currently, he serves as Australian Ambassador for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (usa/ns).