Harun Nasution Auditorium, UIN Online News - UIN Jakarta held a public lecture and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or 'agreement note' with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) which took place at the Harun Nasution Auditorium, on Tuesday (14/05/2024). The MoU signing and public lecture were witnessed by UIN Jakarta academics consisting of students and lecturers.
The signing of this MoU was done directly by the Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., with the Acting Chairperson of the RI KPK, Nawawi Pomolango, SH., M.H.,. It is known that the signing of the first cooperation MoU between UIN Jakarta and the RI KPK was conducted on June 15, 2016 during the leadership of Rector Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A.
"The re-signing or extension of the MoU with the RI KPK is important for anti-corruption education and literacy related to transparency and good governance," explained Prof. Asep in his speech.
Prof. Asep conveyed that the presence of the RI KPK is inseparable from the contributions of the academic community such as former rectors or alumni of IAIN Jakarta (at that time). For example, by the late Prof. Azyumardi Azra, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., CBE., and Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat, M.A., who repeatedly served as selection committee members for the KPK. This shows that UIN Jakarta's contribution to the KPK is not new.
Several academics and alumni of UIN Jakarta have contributed to strengthening anti-corruption efforts in various places. This can be seen in written works such as books that have been published and used as educational materials for anti-corruption education. Likewise, it is evident in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) of UIN Jakarta, which also studies the sociology of corruption.
Corruption causes many losses, for example, seen in the decline of education, development, and villages due to leakage in the use of budgets that do not comply with regulations. Therefore, the KPK has played a significant role in bringing about changes such as better procurement systems and supervision. "Hundreds of trillions of state budgets have been saved by the KPK," concluded Prof. Asep.
Prof. Asep emphasized that UIN Jakarta needs to continue its cooperation with the KPK in strengthening anti-corruption efforts for the achievement of Indonesia's development, especially in the education sector.
In addition to the MoU signing, the event also featured a public lecture on 'The Synergy of the RI KPK and the Role of Educational Institutions in Combating Corruption' delivered by Nawawi Pomolango, SH., M.H.
(Nala Zakina H/Fauziah/Raihan Lail/Faadhila Idris)