Responsing the “Kampus Merdeka”, Diktis redesigned PTKIN Curriculum
Rectorate, UIN News Online – In order to respond the idea of independent campus and independent learning, the Directorate of Islamic Higher Education (Diktis), Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs currently redesigning the curriculum for PTKIN students. The new curriculum is also a form of adjustment for learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.
This was said by the Director of Diktis Arskal Salim at the national webinar entitled “Pembelajaran Ekonomi Islam dalam Merespon Kampus Merdeka: Kebijakan dan Implementasi dalam Kerangka Link and Match”, Wednesday (07/08/2020).
“We are redesigning the learning curriculum at the PTKIN campus so that it can be implemented according to the idea of an independent campus and facing the Covid-19 situation,” he said
Some preparations that are being carried out by the Diktis, according to Arskal, includes strengthening Islamic moderation oriented education , integrating Islamic and general science, online based learning, simplifying bureaucracy, lecturer competence improvement, and guaranteeing the learning quality.
Among the preparations for curriculum design, Diktis will first focus on online learning. Online learning strategies, explained Arskal, are a form of implementation and innovation from independent learning and independent campuses in autonomous and flexible Islamic educational institutions.
This can encourage the innovative, participatory, and not constraining learning culture. “It means that it is in accordance with the needs, interests and students potential,” he said.
Arskal also added that in redesigning the curriculum through online learning, several strategic steps are needed. First, we need to prepare both software and hardware; Second, the use of methods that introduce various interactive learning application programs available on the internet; Third, in terms of content of teaching material, it will be done through two strategies, namely changing the concept of "learning hours" to "hours of activity", the curriculum is blended learning, and integrating Islamic educational science.
In this 21st century, learning programs for students must have at least four skills, which are able to collaborate, communicate, think critically, creative, and innovative.
Also present in the webinar, Ainun Na'im (Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture), Bunyamin Maftuh (Education Specialist, UPI), Euis Amalia (Chair of the Education Division of the DPEI IAEI / UIN Jakarta, AFEBIS), Tika Arundina (Secretary VI DPP IAEI / Chair of Islamic Economics Study Program, FEB UI), Anton Hendrianto (Division Head of People Development & Culture, Bank Muamalat Indonesia), and Sutan Emir Hidayat (Director of Education & Research Division of KNEKS). (usa/ns)