Researchers from Various Institutions and Universities are scheduled to Attend The2nd Studia Islamika International Conference 2017
Rectorate, UIN News Online – Islam and Southeast Asian societies researchers from various institutions and universities are scheduled to attend The 2nd Studia Islamika International Conference held by Center for Islamic Study and Community (PPIM UIN Jakarta), at Syahida Inn, Ciputat, Tuesday-Thursday (8-10 August, 2017). In the conference, they are scheduled to discuss the trends of globalization, democracy and Islamic radicalism in Southeast Asia.
Director of PPIM UIN Jakarta Saiful Umam to UIN News Online, Tuesday, (8/8/2017) said that the conference will presents several keynote speakers who have concerns in Islamic research and Southeast Asia society. Among them are Prof Dr Azyumardi Azra, Prof. Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf, Dr. Sidney Jones, and Dr. Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin.
“Prof. Azra as editor in-chief of Studia Islamika Journal will deliver scientific oration in this event,†he said.
Azyumardi Azra is Professor of Islamic History as well as UIN Jakarta former Rector for the period of 1998-2006. As a scientist, he wrote a number of influential works such as The Origins of Islamic Reformism in Southeast Asia: Networks of Malay-Indonesian and Middle Eastern 'Ulama' in the 17th and 18th Centuries (ASAA-Allen & Unwin and University of Hawai'i Press, 2004) Which is quite influential on Islamic studies in Southeast Asia.
As for Imtyaz, he serves as the director in Center for Buddhist-Muslim Understanding, College of Religious Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand. While Sidney Jones, Director of Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict/IPAC, is a researcher specializing in terrorism networks in Indonesia, especially Jamaah Islamiyah. He wrote a book entitled "Making Money Off Migrants: The Indonesian Exodus to Malaysia (2000)". While Ruhaini, she serves as Chairwoman of the Independent Permanent Human Rights Commision (IPHRC), the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
The seminar itself, Saiful continued, will present 83 papers. These 83 papers represent a number of research theme clusters selected by the organizers. Among them are religious radicalism, democracy and citizenship, religious radicalism and education, globalization and transnational movements, contemporary Islamic economics, philanthropy and civil society, society and women's representation, media and public domain contestation, urban life challenges, and the rise of Islamic populism. (usa)