Researchers Discuss Good Governance and Human Rights in Muslim Countries

Researchers Discuss Good Governance and Human Rights in Muslim Countries

BSD, UIN NEWS Online - Dozens of academicians and researchers of law and justice from various domestic and foreign universities have exposed their research on the application of good governance and human rights in Muslim-majority countries. They were not only reporting their observance of both issues practices, but they also discussed various opportunities and challenges in both applications.

The presentation of their research findings was conducted in The 1st International Conference on Law and Justice, hosted by the Faculty of Sharia and Law of UIN Jakarta in BSD, South Tangerang, on Tuesday (11/7/2017). According to the plan, the conference themed Good Governance and Human Rights in Muslim Countries: Experiences and Challenges lasted to Wednesday (11/7/2017).

Besides academics and researchers from UIN Jakarta and from Indonesian ministries / agencies, the researchers who presented the study were also came from a number of universities and research from other countries. Within the country, there were Chairman of the Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Arief Hidayat SH M.Si, Director of UIN Jakarta Graduate School Prof. Dr. Masykuri Abdillah, and Professor of Islamic Law Politics Prof. Dr. Arskal Salim GP MA.

From foreign universities there were academicians and researchers such as Prof. Dr. Carolyn Sappideen from Western Sydney University Australia, Prof. Dr. Nik Ahmad Kamal bin Nik Mahmod from Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyah of Laws International Islamic University Malaysia, Dr. Ved Pal Singh Deswal from Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak India, and Muhammad Ali University California Riverside USA.

The conference publication wrote that research presentations on good governance and human rights application in Muslim-majority countries are divided into six clusters. Among Good Governance and State Mechanism Defending Human Rights and Social Welfare; Public Policy and Strategies for Promoting Socio-Economic Justice; Justice for All and Anti-Discrimination; Business, Human Rights and Accountability; Universal vs Particular Values in Human Rights Practices; and The Sharia and Its Role in Economic and Social Justice.

Dean of Faculty of Shariah and Law Asep Saepuddin Jahar Ph.D revealed that the theme of good governance and human rights was important to be studied, especially on its application in Muslim-majority countries. According to Asep, although these two issues have been important issues in encouraging public participation and social welfare of the world community, but in many Muslim countries there were still various obstacles on its aplication.

"In Muslim-majority countries, however, this concept faces various problems from conceptual to practical," he said.

From the conference which was attended by academics and researchers from both UIN Jakarta and world universities, he explained, it was expected that both issues can be broke down and looked for solution. It will be academics scholarly contribution, and the discussions of the issues become important point in encouraging the growth of better social life in Muslim-majority countries.

Furthermore, he added that the management of the conference aimed to give contribution to the role of UIN Jakarta in the development of law and judicial growth. The presence from international researchers and academicians was also expected to strengthen the legal network of UIN Jakarta's academic community.

"It cannot be separated from our hope to improve the lecturers academic reputation by presenting their research findings and study in various sub-themes of law and justice," he explained. (usa)