Research Grant 2023, Puslitpen Introduces SIAPP Application

Research Grant 2023, Puslitpen Introduces SIAPP Application

Rectorate, UIN NewS Online – Along with the opening of BOPTN 2023 research assistance applications, the Research and Publishing Center or Puslitpen UIN Jakarta introduced the SIAPP application that can be useby lecturers who wish to apply for assistance.

This was said by the Head of Puslitpen UIN Jakarta Imam Subchi in his speech at the 2023 Research Assistance Socialization event on Friday, (11/11/2022). “As of today, submissions for BOPTN research assistance for the 2023 fiscal year have been officially opened,” he said.

The registration period itself will be carried out after socialization regarding the provision of assistance has been carried out in the second week of November. The proposal submission period itself is carried out during the second and third week of November.

“So please make a submission as soon as possible,” said Imam.

Referring to the rundown, after the submission period is carried out for two weeks in mid-November, all submitted proposals will be assessed for substance in the last week of November. That way, in the first week of December, the nominees for aid recipients can be announced.

Along with the announcement of the nominees, Puslitpen will hold a seminar on the proposals submitted. In the first week of January 2024, the grantees will be announced.

Therefore, it is hoped that the research process can be carried out by beneficiaries throughout January-August 2023. During this period, the Research Center will conduct monitoring and evaluation, report on research progress, and results presentation, to be submitted in the research report.

Meanwhile, for the application for BOPTN research assistance this time, Imam added, lecturers and researchers can submit it online through the SIAPP application ( This independent Puslitpen application replaces the LITAPDIMAS application that was used in the previous research submission.

Research Coordinator of Puslipten UIN Jakarta, Maila Dinia Husni Rahim added that by using the SIAPP application, it is expected that the research process can be carried out optimally.

“With the SIAPP system, it will be easy for us to monitor how far our lecturers or researchers are in fulfilling their obligations,” she said. (zm/usa)