Representatives of the central bangka regency education office visits FITK UIN Jakarta

Representatives of the central bangka regency education office visits FITK UIN Jakarta

FITK, UIN News Online – In order to establish cooperation in the field of Teacher Professional Education (PPG), representatives of the Central Bangka Regency Education Office visited the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Jakarta on Wednesday (06/16/2021).

Their visit were welcomed by the Deputy Dean for Student, Cooperation and Aluimni Affairs of FITK UIN Jakarta Khalimi, Deputy Dean of General Administration of FITK UIN Jakarta Abdul Muin, Department head of PPG UIN Jakarta Zaenul Slam and Secretary of PPG Department Nengsih Juanengsih in the Dean's Meeting room.

Head of Section for Teacher Development and Education Personnel of the Central Bangka Regency Education Office Diyan Ekawati in her remarks convey her plan to coordinate the implementation of PPG.

“The purpose of our visit is to coordinate the implementation of the PPG program, especially the Islamic Education Board,” said Diyan.

In addition, Diyan continued, we also plan to discuss the possibilities of cooperation in other sectors.

“We also want to discuss the possibilities of cooperation in other sectors, such as the cooperation in the S1 and S2 programs at FITK UIN Jakarta,” she said

She also added that the Education Office of Central Bangka Regency has a Teacher Competency Improvement program that is trying to explore collaboration with CoE for teacher training, education staff, and teacher career assistance.

In response, the Deputy Dean for Student, Cooperation and Alumni Affairs of FITK UIN Jakarta Khalimi in his remarks expressed his appreciation for the visit to open up cooperation opportunities in the fields of teacher professional education program.

“FITK will be support the cooperation plan with the Education Office of Central Bangka Regency,” he said.

Meanwhile, Muin said that he would immediately prepare the administrative requirements needed for the implementation of this cooperation.

“"We will prepare all the administration and documents needed by the Education Office of Central Bangka Regency including the proposal and the RAB," said Abdul Muin.

It is known, there are 13 PPG PAI students from the Education Office of Central Bangka Regency who are participating in virtual PPG Daljab activities at the LPTK FITK UIN Jakarta which opened last week. (usa/mf)