Religious Affairs Minister Supports the Transformation of UIN Jakata into PTN BH

Religious Affairs Minister Supports the Transformation of UIN Jakata into PTN BH

Jakarta, UIN News Online –Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin gives his support to UIN Jakarta to transform into Legal Entity State University (PTN BH). If it came to be realized, UIN Jakarta will be the first PTN BH State Islamic Higher Institution (PTKIN) under the auspices of Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA).

According to Lukman, the transformation plan to become PTNBH is a great breakthrough. In addition to being the first in PTKIN, UIN Jakarta can be a role model for other PTKIN in the future. “This is a good breakthrough, the first on PTKIN,” said Lukman during the meeting with Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA and UIN Jakarta PTN BH team, Tuesday, (03/20/2018) at MORA office, Lapangan Banteng, Jakarta.

Dede in his remarks explain that the purpose of his arrival is to hear Lukman’s view on UIN Jakarta‘s plan to become PTNBH.

“The changes not only affect the academic aspect but also allow these universities to have autonomy in their non-academic aspects. In the academic aspect, for example, PTN BH university has the authority to open, manage, and even shut down the study program, while on non-academic side, the college own, open and run a business corporation such as hotel or hospital,” said Dede.

Furthermore, he continue, there are some aspects in UIN Jakarta that can be used as promotional materials for PTN BH, such as campus achievements, 60% of study programs in UIN Jakarta that has been accredited “A”, and 73% of 900 lecturers UIN Jakarta who already holds the title of professor.

He also added that UIN Jakarta has cooperated with 30 International Universities. In addition, the number of international students in UIN Jakarta now has reached 400 students.

“According to our analysis, this progress indicates that UIN Jakarta is eligible to be promoted to PTN BH,” he concluded.

Also present in the meeting, Vice Rector of General Administration Prof Dr Abdul Hamid, Vice Rector for Cooperation Prof Dr Murodi, Dr Arief Subhan (Dean of FIDK), Dr Hamka Hasan (Dean of FDI), Dr Arief Mufraini (Dean of FEB), Wahdi Sayuti (Head of Puslitpen UIN Jakarta), Tantan Hermansyah, and Kholis Ridho (PTN BH Team). (usa)